Chapter seventeen (Y/N)

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This chapter was hella fun to write so I hope you enjoy it! Please tell me what you think! Your comments light up my whole world and keep me going!!!

I know Chuck is about 12/13 in the books and movie, but this part of the story takes place before Thomas arrives. So Chuck is 10/11 here.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Zart yelled as he ran towards us, waving his hands around frantically as he went. It was actually pretty funny considering how much he hated running. I saw him trip over his shoelace and faceplant into the mud while walking once. He's never going to live that down. "We need you!"

I sighed and returned my hammer back to its proper place on my tool belt. Gally, a few other builders, and I were continuing the process of rebuilding the two storage sheds that burned down a little while back. We were currently on the second shed and were trying to expedite the process per Alby's request. The added pressure to rebuild the shed while remaining on schedule with repairs and other projects around the Glade was a lot of weight to carry.

So I was quite surprised that we were being interrupted, on a greenie day no less. A day where everyone was supposed to have off and subsequently less shit to worry about. Newt continued working on planting new crops - but agreed to finish early per my request - and us builders elected to keep working as well in an attempt to make more headway.

By the time Zart reached us he was huffing and puffing as if he'd run a marathon. His face was red and he looked like he'd keel over any minute. He couldn't even speak because he was too busy trying to replenish his lost oxygen.

"Woah, Zart," I laughed, arms out to steady the keeper in case he actually did collapse. "You good there, buddy?"

"I am-a-" Zart rasped between massive gulps of air, "I, y-yeah." He leaned forward and braced his hands against his knees. After taking several more deep breaths he managed to get his breathing back under control, sort of anyway. "We need you," he repeated.

I placed my hands on my hips and eyed Zart skeptically. I'm a straight shooter and wasn't one to pussyfoot around or tolerate those who did. "Yeah, you said that. Can you be a little more specific?"

"Alby needs your help with the greenie." He pointed towards the box where a large circle of boys was congregated, eager to meet the new kid and sort through the much-needed supplies. "The poor shank's terrified and freaking out."

"Wouldn't Newt be a better fit for the task? He's a fuck-ton nicer than I am."

"We were gonna ask Newt," he explained, "but the kid keeps crying for his mom and gets more panicked every time someone gets near him. Alby thought you might have a better shot at calming him down."

"Why?" I asked with a slight edge to my voice, unimpressed by where this was going. "'Cause I'm a girl?"

Zart picked up on my warning tone instantly and raised his hands in surrender. He backed up several feet for good measure and quickly tried to exonerate himself. "Those are Alby's words, not mine. I'm just the messenger."

I sighed again, more exasperated this time. This was the last thing I wanted to do. Kids are not my thing and confronting one that's crying and screaming was definitely not on my to-do list. But I couldn't disobey Alby. And, as much as I didn't want to admit it, being the new greenie could be terrifying. An alien place filled with strangers and danger lurking around every corner? Fucking scary if you ask me. It was a lot to process and having someone walking with you side by side the first few days was immensely helpful in getting acclimated. Newt was there for me when I arrived, panicked and violent as I was. This could be a way for me to return the favor.

"Fine," I conceded. "I'm coming."

"Here." Gally held out his hand. "I'll hold your belt until you come back," at Zart's subtle shake of the head Gally reconsidered, "or put it away if you're busy for a while."

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