Chapter ten (Y/N)

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The song (Y/N) sings is You Are the Moon by The Hush Sound. It's a beautiful song that speaks to me deeply and is, coincidentally, the only song I can sing without sounding like a dying cow. I also feel like it fits Newt in many ways. What do you think?

Khan is named after Genghis Khan.

"Okay," Minho started, somewhat hesitant, "I'm gonna be the one to say it. (Y/N), you do not look good."

Everyone at our table turned to look at me simultaneously and I - so very eloquently - flipped Minho off. There goes my plan of flying under the radar, I grumbled to myself.

If the guys knew I was sick then they wouldn't let me work. Newt definitely wouldn't let me work and would go all Momma Newt on me like he did whenever another glader was ill, injured, or distressed. He was talking to Alby somewhere in the Glade so he had yet to see my disheveled appearance. Though I had no doubt he'd notice something was off the moment he saw me.

I started feeling sick about two days ago when I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose. It was bearable and manageable, but not ideal. It was probably allergies from the seeding trees and excess dust being blown around. Having my period at the same time also wasn't ideal. As a matter of fact, it was fucking annoying. W.I.C.K.E.D sends Motrin up in the box when I ask for it so at least there's one silver lining here.

Fry told me to call it quits when I helped him with breakfast this morning, but I shrugged off his concern. I didn't want to spread whatever I have if it wasn't allergies yet I wasn't about to leave Fry on his own. It's a part of my job to ease his burdens and I intended to do so. He only managed to shoo me out of the kitchen after most of the guys had been served with strict instructions to eat and take it easy. But I've never been good at following orders.

Zart rolled his eyes and lightly shoved the runner. "Dang, great way to phrase it, shank."

"Wh- that that's not what I meant!" Minho stammered, quickly trying to backpedal before falling deeper into the hole he dug. "You just look kinda tired and sick, is all. Are you feeling okay?"

I couldn't help when the corners of my lips turned upward into a small smile. Minho is one of my best friends and he was genuinely concerned about my well-being. He might not be the most poignant or tactful person, but his heart was in the right place.

"'M fine. Just dealing with allergies or the flu or something. No big deal." Because it wasn't a big deal.

In good conscience, I couldn't sit around and do nothing even if my body was begging for rest. Everyone needed to contribute. It was one of the four major rules of the Glade. Besides, Julius already thought I was getting handouts and never had any qualms about reminding me. The last thing I needed was for him to start calling me a freeloader. He thought I was inherently weak because I'm female and physically wasn't able to do what most of the guys could. Of course, there's nothing wrong with our physiological differences, but Julius didn't see it that way. "I am inadequate to be a glader," was how he phrased it.

And, despite being told otherwise from Gally, Newt, and plenty of other gladers, I couldn't help but wonder if Julius was right. Yes, I fit in pretty well and carried my weight. But a number of things had to be altered because of my presence, and I know that was a big wrench in the gladers' otherwise steady lives. Change isn't always easy and some people struggle to cope with it.

I proved Julius wrong before. I just needed to continue to do so.

"Bloody Hell! Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Newt asked as soon as he came to the table, his handsome face so full of concern my heart swooned. He sat down beside me in his usual spot and set his plate aside in favor of looking me over.

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