Chapter thirteen (Y/N)

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Please note there's attempted rape in this chapter. Nothing happens but the intent is there. Don't read the second part if that could upset you. I added the tag to give people a heads-up. I've been groped once and "felt up" by a family member, so I did my best to portray a situation like this.

Also, please let me know if the romance is believable! I'm not sure how I'm doing and would greatly appreciate some feedback. Does it feel natural or forced? Is it fluffy enough? It's not super detailed but I'm trying to make it genuine.


The evening started like it always did. Newt and I met up before dinner, ate with our friends, then hung out until bedtime. We changed into our sleep clothes and hunkered down in Newt's room where we proceeded to talk about everything and nothing. Somewhere between discussing the stupid thing Zart did in the gardens that day and the deformed carrot I found under the fridge while cleaning in the kitchen, our desire overpowered us and we began kissing.

The hesitant, light kisses quickly transitioned into something deeper. Heavy, intense kisses full of passion and yearning. We latched onto one another, desperate to be as close as possible. Unable to go one more minute without touching the other.

Newt held me so gently. One arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me pressed up against his chest, and the other cupped my cheek. His thumb brushed against my cheekbone and I leaned into the touch. The pleasant sensation made my knees go weak and I whimpered. He walked backwards towards his bed while holding me close, kissing me fiercely. The back of his knees hit the cot and he fell back onto the bed with me on top.

I had my arms wrapped around Newt's neck and pulled him impossibly closer. Blindly, I grabbed at his nightshirt, fisting some of the fabric in my hand while the other worked its way into his wavy, blond hair. I relished the way his soft lips felt against mine, how he nibbled at my bottom lip every so often, and trailed kisses from my cheeks to under my jaw.

In one fluid motion, Newt rolled over, switching our positions so I was on the bottom and he was on top. He straddled my hips and kept his head bowed so our lips never lost contact. I went easily, content to let go and lose myself in Newt's beauty and soft affections.

I enjoyed the sensation of his lips against mine, the closeness, and the way his hands trailed up and down my body. It felt good, like a thousand little lightning bolts zipping up and down my skin. Electrifying and tantalizing all at once.

But, before things could escalate any further, I reluctantly broke away.

"Newt. Newt," I repeated in an attempt to break his focus and grab his attention. We've been together for almost three months. This was bound to happen sooner than later, I thought. There was something I needed to tell him, something I should have already told him. His grip loosened and his lips stopped peppering my skin with kisses.

"Yeah?" He looked down at me expectantly, his cheeks flush, and breaths coming out in short pants.

I stared at the wall as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, unable to meet Newt's mesmerizing eyes. "I love making out with you. I do! It's a great feeling. But... but I don't want to do anything... sexual. I-I just wanted to uh, tell you."

Newt looked at me in confusion, one eyebrow arched and his head tilted to the side. With an imperceptible nod, he released me and sat up.

Hesitantly, I followed suit; wringing my hands and trying to get my breathing back under control as the adrenaline from our makeout session wore off. My palms felt sweaty and the awkward silence was rapidly beginning to eat at me. Clawing at my mind and bringing forth all the worst-case scenarios for this situation my brain could concoct.

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