Chapter eight (Newt)

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Thank you so much to everyone who's read and liked this story! And a special shout-out to JuiceboxofDepression who's been supporting me and this fic from the very beginning! You're the best!!!

The quote, It's impossible to please everyone, but it's strangely easy to disappoint them, is mine.
"Be quiet, (Y/N)," I whisper-yelled as we crept down the brightly-lit hallway; hands entwined and big grins on our faces. Sneaking out of our rooms at night and evading the guards certainly got our adrenaline pumping. Over a year of this and we had yet to get caught. W.I.C.K.E.D practically controlled the United States, had seemingly-unlimited resources, and top-notch security, but failed to apprehend the kids sneaking around their own facility.

She looked over her shoulder with a smirk before pulling me forward so we were side by side. "You know I've never been good at shutting up." She squeezed my hand affectionately and I returned the gesture.

After ascending two flights of stairs and taking several left turns we reached our destination; a small storage room that was no longer in use. The perfect spot for imprisoned kids to hang out. I closed the door slowly so as not to make any unnecessary noise and (Y/N) turned on the lights.

"So, Minho and Thomas chickened out."

I nodded. "After the close call last time, they decided to lay low."

"Sonya wanted to come, but needed to study," (Y/N) said. "So it's just us tonight."

"Well then, at the risk of sounding cliché," I wrapped my arm around (Y/N)'s waist and brought her closer so she was pressed against my chest. She felt so warm and her skin felt so soft. I breathed in the scent of her lavender shampoo and relished her presence. "Now, Love, we can be alone."

(Y/N) leaned into me eagerly and wrapped her arms around my waist as if I'd disappear if she didn't hold on tight enough.


"I love you, darling." I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. The sensation of safety I feel when I'm around her and the total devotion we had for one another couldn't be described in words. Our friendship, our relationship, our bond; it was solid, whole, and unbreakable. Forces might try to keep us apart, to ruin the family we made together but they will never succeed.

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a light kiss on the underside of my jaw and I struggled to stay standing because my knees went weak.

"Newt. Come on, man."

"No matter what, I'll always love you, Newt. Even if they throw you in that fucking maze. I will always love you."

"And, you know it's the same for me, Love. I've got you and you've got me. Through the good and the bad."

We gazed into each other's eyes, our lips mere inches apart. I could feel the light puffs of her breath against my neck, her face turned up with the overhead lights casting stark shadows against her delicate features. We both leaned closer, closed our eyes and-


I stumbled backward with a gasp and nearly fell over my own feet. I would've fallen had it not been for the trellis behind me. I grabbed onto the trellis to stabilize myself. Glaring over at Zart I snapped, "what the shuck, you bloody shank!"

Zart wore an amused expression, completely unbothered by my reaction. He said, "I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes!"

That surprised me. I hadn't even heard him speak; too lost in my dream from last night. "Sorry, Zart. I didn't realize I- I was just, um, thinkin' is all." I knelt back down and continued pulling weeds from the bed of lettuce so I had an excuse not to look at Zart's bloody face. "Did you need help with somethin'?"

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