C < you didn't have to..> I say, hugging her from behind. Maya says nothing and rests her hands on mine that I squeeze on her abdomen.

M < don't you change yourself?> she asks me and I nod: if I have to listen to my body I'm dead tired.

C < yes, I take a shower too. Do you want to wait for me? Maybe we drink a glass of wine..> Maya nods and turns in my embrace.

M < go..> she just says, kissing my lips slowly. She holds her arms along her body, leaving me free to go, instead I cling even more to her and ask her to deepen the kiss. After such a long and important day for so many reasons, I need to feel her, really feel her. Maya smiles on my mouth, gives me permission to play with her tongue and wraps me in her arms. When I seem to have had enough, I detach myself, but only because I am about to die of asphyxiation. But I think of how nice it is to be able to kiss her leaning against the kitchen counter, as a daily gesture, of small happiness.

M < go..> Maya pushes me away again and I smile, doing as she tells me. After about half an hour and with a suit on, I go in search of Maya. I find her with her eyes closed, lying on the couch. I stop for a moment from afar to observe her, losing myself to observe every little detail of her body that I had missed so much and then I approach slowly, barefoot. When I am close to her, Maya makes an imperceptible movement with her face and speaks, without opening her eyes.

M < stop staring me..> I laugh and I almost fall against her. I laugh and almost throw myself at her. Maya immediately embraces me and we find our position, I practically lying on top of her, with my legs intertwined with hers and my head resting on her chest. Her arms enveloping me and keeping me safe attached to her make me feel in another world.

C < are you tired?> I ask: I have a low raspy voice that makes the atmosphere more intimate. Maya barely nods.

M < a little. It's exhausting managing a little girl..> she admits and I laugh.

C < yeah, I know. Do you want a massage? Are you hurt somewhere?> Maya shakes her head.

M < no, I like being like this..> I smile, kissing her neck. I climb with my lips higher and higher and in a very short time I am kissing her lips. Maya opens her eyes slightly to study me for a second before sanctioning a new kiss, which immediately deepens. My hand fixed on her side could change the situation in a second and for a moment I think about it, whether to let go or not, but Maya decides first, for both. She detaches herself from me, leaving me first a kiss on the mouth, then one on the forehead.

M < we need to talk..> she just says, making me stop. I sigh and nod.

C < I know, I'm sorry. I know I asked you so much leaving you with Viviana. I know it's exhausting and you didn't have to do everything you did..I'm sorry..I always said I have to find a babysitter for situations like this, but..> Maya interrupts me, resting an hand on my mouth.

M < no, Car, no..it's the opposite..> she says to me, leaving me confused.

C < what do you mean?> Maya sighs as she is deciding to speak or not.

M < I want to be there for you Car. I want to be there for you, for her, every day to help you or just to eat a pizza together like it was a normal day..it's exactly this what I want..> as usually my paranoias block me and prevent me from saying anything.

C < Maya..> she sighs and interrupt me.

M < I talked to Amelia..>

C < I kill her..> I whisper, but Maya listens to me and laughs, beginning to caress my back.

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