Chapter 29 - Gossiping

Start from the beginning

I find it a bit weird that she enjoyed freaking Asher out because he seems to be very dear to her, and she's always rather protective of him. Perhaps she was sincere in her flirting and really wants him to notice her. That's rather sweet.

Before I confide in Paisley, I'm going to need to understand her a lot better first.

Well, the answer to her question couldn't be anything but "no." I cannot afford to be romantically interested in any boy until I'm able to figure out what the differences are between love, lust, interest, friendship, and all the other shades of emotions I seem to be experiencing simultaneously. Before I even dare to think of Declan or anybody else as anything but a friend, I need to understand what it is that I'm feeling for Hunter.

"N..." Wait, no, isn't the right answer. I am interested in getting to know Declan, I'm interested in becoming friends with him. "I don't know Declan. I'm as interested in him as I am in anybody else. I'd like to get to know all of you."

Paisley narrows her eyes, studying my face until I'm blushing so hard that I have to look away. "So, your heart doesn't make summersaults for him?"

I start out laughing, but it turns into a moan. "Well... I do feel... things..."

"Oh, wow, do stop, Alice! I don't think I can handle that much detail," she laughs.

I snigger, pulling a face at her. "What on Earth do I know about things like that? I told you up until recently, my grandmother was picking out my husband. Somersaulting hearts did not enter into it at all."

"And Hunny?"

"Same answer, I barely know the guy," I say, turning to the mirror, busying myself with arranging the loose tendrils of hair framing my face. I can see the word liar spelt out in bold letters all over my face. I wonder if Paisley can see it too.

"How can you say you barely know the guy? You've slept with him almost every night this week!" Paisley exclaims just as a woman leaves one of the cubicles and joins us at the counter to wash her hands.

"Could you please choose your words better?!" I gasp in horror. "Not with him! I slept at his house, along with his parents and my mother."

"Technicalities," Paisley chortles, and to my relief, I see the woman shake her head, smiling as she leaves the restroom. I thought we were alone in here. I hope the lady doesn't know any of the people we were talking about.

"Why will Galen come after me in any case?" I change the somewhat disturbing topic, checking this time to ensure we are alone.

"A warped sense of competitiveness, I suppose. I'm not entirely sure that he knows that he does it. He and Hunter really cannot stand each other. So, when it comes to Hunny, he just generally does things to piss him off.

"With Dex, it's more complicated. Galen loves Dex, but from what I understand, their father always pitted them against each other, making them compete for things. Galen really loves his dad and wanted to earn his affection, so he had to beat Dex in everything. 

"Thing is, everything comes so easily for Dex, while Galen has to put in at least some effort. Fortunately, they don't like the same activities. Galen plays ice hockey and rugby. Dex swims, and he likes playing cricket and table tennis. He's not into violent sports at all. 

"Even academically, they prefer different subjects. So, they really don't have to compete anymore, and their father is in Ireland. It helps, but I think something inside Galen got warped years ago. 

"Their mother also gets drunk and then makes no secret of the fact that she prefers Dex. I think Galen is very lonely and starved for affection but has no idea how to get it in the right way.

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