The Finale ⭑ New York, New York.

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"Hear it for New York."
Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys.

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"Ah. Good morning, Ali."

"Morning to you too, dad." Standing on the balcony of our lakeside bedroom with a heavy heart, I stared out at the water. The rippling, glistening shore, sparkling with crystal rocks and the morning sheen of sunrise. It was so pretty. The distant tint of pine trees and hills on the horizon calmed me.

And all I needed today was to stay calm.

After all, my life was about to change. Again.

Today was the day I had to go. I had to leave the people I loved and take care of myself. Piece my puzzle back together.

"How's everything going? Did you and Harlow talk?"

"Yes. Yeah, and we're um..." I tried my hardest not to cry again for the second time that morning, "We're calling it quits. We're separating for a while and... I don't know when we're gonna get back together." My throat rippled and I swallowed it down.

"Oh, no... honey, what happened? I thought that you two were figuring things out?"

"We can't." I muttered, wiping my eyes, "It's just too hard for the both of us now. And I don't know what I'm gonna do... I-I have no home, no job, no money, no nothing. Everything's gone. Everything's falling apart. I hate to say it, but I think..." I inhaled, "I think I'll come to New York with you. If you'll have me."

"You will always have a home and a job with me. Te cuidaré, my little dove. I would love that."

"I have to wrap up things here first. Say goodbye t'my friends. I talked to my Uncle Matthew yesterday when you brought it up and he's willing to let my brother visit often and take Morris to live with him too. Ollie misses him so much. They'll be okay."

"That's fantastic. Oh, it's gonna be so good to have you with me, Ali. You have aunts and cousins and uncles who're dying to meet you."

"I'm sure." I smiled sadly.

"I know of cheap apartments renting too, if you don't wanna live with your poor ol' dad."

"That sounds so fuckin' great. Really. I'm excited." I tried to sound as enthusiastic as I could and luckily for me, he believed it.

"Alright. The flight is in three hours, is that enough time to pack and all that or should I push it to tomorrow?--"

"No, no it's perfect."

"Okay... meet me in the airport at the little Starbucks by the entrance."

"Will do."

"I love you."

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