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I decided to just drop a chapter. Going to do monthly updates for this story until Ride Me Right is done. Then it'll be weekly <3

Some angry shit brewing
⤜━𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠 🌹 𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠
Jessie Hanson

"Hey, Jessie. I'm Justin." Lucas' best friend extended a hand to me.

He could be his twin without even trying. Except Justin had long hair, resting on his shoulders that he anxiously ran through after I gave him a soft shake.

"Nice to formally meet you Justin." I gave a forced smile, trying hard not to look Lucas' way even if I could feel his burning stare.

"Right. I've kind of seen you at the gym." Justin motioned for me to sit next to him and I did. "You haven't been there in a while."

"No. The school year started again so I've been busy. Not much time to work out when I have to plan lessons." I fiddled with the menus in front of me.

I knew this would be awkward but what choice do I have? I can't out Lucas and I by fucking this up.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a music teacher for middle school."

"No way!" His excitement made me look to his brown eyes that sparkled from the restaurant lights. "I play guitar. You?"

"Oh, I know most instruments. Piano is my favorite to teach and play though." I answered a conversation that was going all too smoothly.

He went into his career as a constructor, building homes mostly. And though he had traveled during a hurricane that caused mass disaster to rebuild houses for those in need, I couldn't help but feel the need to talk to Lucas more. I wanted to know more about him not his best friend.

There was no way I could eavesdrop on the conversation between him and Sarah that remained muted and whispered with groans of disapproval from him and her laughs. I so badly wanted to know it all. 

"It's kind of loud in here. Wanna go outside, Jessie?" Justin asked, already squeezing himself out of the booth with an extended hand.

My quick glance was full of regret when I saw Lucas' rage filled glare. His cheeks has turned a slight pink, extending to his ears. I couldn't see but I could picture his balled up fists beneath the wooden bar table that slightly swayed at the pattering of his foot.

Sarah widened her eyes behind her glasses and have him a hard bunch to his arm. It was my saving grace, making Luke break our unspoken argument.

I took that second of him looking away to take Justin's hand to a stand. He guided me through the growing crowd in the bar to the outside patio where the smokers usually stayed.

But tonight there was no one.

Just the two of us standing there with our glasses of alcohol in an uncomfortable silence.

Why was it so easy to speak to him when others were around and not now?

Then it hit me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my god," I looked to a confused man who furrowed his brow, leaving only one up as I continued my chuckle. "I forgot to apologize on Sarah's behalf."

"For what?"

"The picture." My laugh grew, "I have no idea what she said to get it from you but I didn't ask for it. She has a tendency to not know where boundaries are."

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