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⤜━𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠 🌹 𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠
Jessie Hanson

"Ollie, you're being an insensitive jerk. You know that right?" Sarah stomped her foot behind me.

"Actually, I'm not. I think I'm just saying what Jessie won't." Oliver grumbled.

And all I could do was keep my back to them to hide the smile that seemed glued to my face. I could thank Lucas for the giddy, almost kid-like joy I was experiencing today.

I practically jumped out of bed this morning, ready for whatever the world threw at me. Even if God decided it was my bickering roommates who were trying to get under my skin, nothing could mess up my mood.

"Jessie, one date." Sarah exclaimed, bouncing over to me.

My cheeks flamed as I heard the front door close, knowing it was the third (and only roommate I cared about right now) finally coming home from his work out.

"No, thanks, Sarah. I'm all done with online dating." I waved dismissively as I slaved over dinner.

"Just last week you said you liked a guy at the gym. So I went searching for him." She said all too happily with a skip in her step before singing, "And I found him!"

"I don't remember asking you to be my matchmaker." I gave her a side eye catching Lucas' stare in the process.

It melted me, made my knees weak when I saw the jealousy running through his hazel eyes. Little did he know, he was most likely the man I was describing.

"You were a few shots in." Sarah shrugged then stuffed her phone in my face, "Look at this man. You cannot tell me this god-made muscle of a man isn't sexy. He's everything you described, good looking, muscles to die for, brown but green eyes - you know that means hazel right? I won't hold that over your head, you were pretty drunk. And last but not least, very much single with no baggage."

She wasn't lying. The man in the photo was barely dressed, holding a small towel by the corner just to cover his manhood. His muscle alone sounded a mating call that I was sure would attract any woman.

"What the fuck, Sarah." Lucas snapped, grabbing the phone from her hands to look at the half naked photo of his best friend. "Where did you get this?"

I had to stifle my laughter at the fake horrified contortion of her face. "Mind your business, Lucas. I'm trying to help my best friend get laid."

Lucas just about growled. "With my best friend? Did Justin even agree?"

"Why are you getting so upset?" Oliver chimed in raising a brow.

"Yes he agreed. Who wouldn't? Jessie is cute, talented and single. Any guy would be lucky to jump in her bed." Sarah bumped me with her hip. "Come on, Jess. I had to beg him to send me a naughty pic for you."

The wine glass in my hand quaked when I snorted, choking on the thin white liquid until it burned my nose. "You did not tell him I wanted that picture."

"Well, I mean.. in a sense." She rolled her eyes. "One date. One more try. Justin is sexy, has a way with his words and has a thing for musicians."

"He's also an asshole who sleeps around." Lucas muttered, slamming the fridge shut.

"Sarah, just leave her alone. She said no already." Oliver grumbled, "Look at Jessie. She's out of her room, cooking dinner for us. Obviously she's feeling better. Don't ruin that or the free meal."

"Ollie, there are so many things you don't know about depression. It's sneaks up on you, waits for you to feel better then drags you back into the darkness of hiding in your room all day like a black hole. Jessie is one moment away from being dragged away from us again!" Sarah scolded dramatically.

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