Chapter 27

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Unlike the last time I shared this bed with Kelsey, I slept like a fucking rock last night. Spending the night wasn’t in the cards, but after a few rounds of makeup sex, we were both exhausted. We even slept through dinner, which probably explains why my stomach is growling right now. I can see just a sliver of the sun starting to show through the window, but boy am I ready to get up and devour a large breakfast.

Kelsey moves against my body and I forget about how hungry I am. There is no way I’m leaving this bed without her. In fact, I might need to devour her before breakfast. That sounds like a better way to wake up than with a cup of coffee. I brush her blond hair back from her face and take a look at her. She’s so beautiful. I can’t believe I almost let a chance with her go. 

“You’re watching me,” she mumbles with her eyes still closed. A smile sprawls across her face before she finally looks up at me with her big doe eyes.

“I was just thinking about how beautiful you were and how I’m a lucky fucking guy.”

“You are lucky. Don’t forget that.”

I shake my head, “You’re giving me another chance that I don’t deserve. I won’t take this opportunity for granted.

Kelsey yawns and moves her hand down my bare chest and over my abs, “Mmhmm, I don’t give third chances, just so you know.”

“I didn’t think you did, Princess. What’s your plan for today?”

“Well, right now I only have one thing in mind,” her hand trails further until he wraps around the morning wood that was already tenting the blankets. “He’s already awake and ready for me.”

“Mmmhmm, he’s awake and ready to go anytime you’re around. The question is what are you planning on doing with him?”

“Just a little good morning kiss.” Kelsey disappears under the blanket and the anticipation was killing me. I could feel her breath on me and finally, her tongue dragged up the underside of my hard erection. My cock twitched and that made her giggle just a bit.

“Princess, just a word to the wise, it isn’t good to laugh when you’re that close to a guy’s dick.”

She just laughed louder this time, but I was willing to ignore it because her hand was moving up and down my shaft and it felt so damn good. I rested my head back against the headboard and groaned in pleasure when her warm mouth slipped over the head of my cock. She was working her mouth and hand in unison. It felt so good and I was almost to the point of exploding in her mouth when the bedroom door flew open.

“Good morning!” Emory exclaimed in a cheery, way too loud voice, but her salutation was cut short when she locked eyes on me. “Oh, God!”

Kelsey freaked out, pulling off my cock. With the movement so quick, she got caught up in the blanket and ended up rolling off the bed. She squealed as she fell and I was so worried about her that I forgot I was completely naked without the blanket on top of me. I tried to cover myself with one hand while helping Kelsey up with the other, but there was no use. A single hand wasn’t enough to fully cover my manhood.

“What the hell, Emory?” I yelled at her. She just stood gap-mouthed staring at me. “Stop looking, Jesus!”

“Sorry! Sorry!” She covered her eyes, but that couldn’t hide the huge grin on her face. “If I knew you had company, Kels…”

“You shouldn’t have barged in here anyway!” Kelsey yelled back. She had the blanket pulled up against her body to hide her own naked self from the prying eyes of her friend.

The House That Built Me (Strawberry Inn Book #3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن