Chapter 21

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I sipped on my whiskey out on the front porch taking in the silence of this place. Before moving here, I only ever lived in cities and it was never this quiet. There was always background noise of cars, trains, or music, but out here there is nothing. The only thing you can really hear is the sound of the bugs. It was very strange at first, but now I’m used to it. I’m not sure I could ever go back to the craziness of living in a city again. 

When my mom mentioned wanting to buy this place and fix it up, I was hesitant. Sacramento was dragging me down too much so I gave Strawberry a chance. I didn’t think I was going to grow accustomed to it in the way that I have. I love this place and the more work I do here, the more I can see myself here forever. I don’t even mind living with my mom. She’s happy and that makes me happy.

What is scaring me is how many times my visions of the future include Kelsey. Her time here was only supposed to be temporary, but now I don’t want to think about how it would be if she left. Sleeping with her was probably a mistake on my part, but I couldn’t say no to her anymore. Now she’s not just with me throughout the day, but she spends her nights in my bed too. I don’t hate it, but I also know that eventually she’s going to find a guy closer in age to her and she’s going to want to explore that relationship. I get pissed off just thinking about it.

That is why I was kind of annoyed at her going out with my sister and her friends. What happens if she’s dancing away and somebody comes over and starts flirting with her? She’s got this new independent woman attitude and it is sexy as fuck. I was half-tempted to drive my ass into town so I could make sure nobody like that Lance fucker from the police department was there.

I take another drink when my phone vibrates, I grin because I was expecting this call. I knew the ladies couldn’t handle their liquor. I swipe up to take my sister’s call, “Hey Ang, how’s it going?”

“Chaz, thank God, did Kelsey call you to pick her up?”

“Um…no, I thought you were calling to tell me you needed me to come to get her.”

She mumbles in the background and then comes back to the phone, “So she’s not with you?”

I shoot up from my chair, “What do you mean, Angela? Where is Kelsey?”

“I don’t know,” she admits.

“You…you don’t know?”

“Emory was kind of teasing her in a light-hearted way, but she took it a bit too seriously and said she needed to go outside to get some fresh air. Emory was just being her, ya know? Anyway, she was out there for a bit too long, and when I went out to check on her she wasn’t outside.”

“You left her alone when she’d been drinking?”

“She didn’t have that much to drink, she just went to get some air, I didn’t think much of it. She wasn’t picking up when I called her and I thought maybe she called you, but…Chaz, I don’t know where she is.”

“Fuck, okay I’m coming down there and we’ll find her.”

“Okay…wait, hold on a second.” I hear mumbling in the background again and while Angela talks to whoever she is talking to, I get my keys and head to my truck. When I start the truck, she finally comes back, “Chaz?”

“What’s going on, Ang?”

“Blair said somebody thinks they saw her while they were standing outside and she left with some guy.”

“She left with another fucking guy?” I hit the gas and rip down the driveway, “That’s so fucking irresponsible!”

“Not like that, Chaz,” she sounds almost scared, “they don’t think she left voluntarily. The guy was being kind of rough with her.”

All the horrible situations that could be going on are running through my mind. I can’t even think straight so I just hang up on my sister and grip the steering wheel tightly as I drive into town. There is no doubt that her dad or her ex-fiance have something to do with this. I should have known they wouldn’t go away without a fight. 

When I pull into the parking lot, I see Angela, Blair, and Emory standing outside. I’m kind of pissed that they would be standing outside when Kelsey seemed to have been taken from the same parking lot, but that’s not the important thing right now. 

“Did you call the police yet?” I ask, right as I meet them upfront.

“We did, but they were dealing with a bonfire party and it could be a bit before somebody could get here to take a statement.”

“What the fuck, a missing person is more important than fucking kids having a party!”

Angela wraps her arms around my waist, “I know, Chaz, but it’s going to be okay.”

“I appreciate that, but you don’t know for sure, Sis.”

“Maybe not, but we’re all going to do what we can to find her. We even let the bar workers know so they could be on the lookout.”

“Thanks, Ang. Can you stay here and wait for the police?”

“Um, I can, but where are you going to go?”

“I’m not going to sit here and wait around for the police to get here. I’d rather look for her myself.”

“That’s not safe, Chaz. You have no idea what you’re up against.”

I give her a sideways hug to calm her down, “I’ll be fine, Ang. I’m more worried about Kelsey than I am myself.”

“How do you even think you’re going to find her?”

“I have my ways.” Angela wants to stop me from going, but nothing she says is going to change my mind. I think she realizes that and does stop trying to fight me. I kiss her on the temple and make sure Blair and Emory are staying at the bar with her as well.

Harrison is already texting me once I get to my truck. He heard about Kels being missing and said he was heading over to the bar to be with the girls. I sent back a thumbs-up emoji and then excited out of my messages and pulled up the Find My Phone app. Kelsey is going to hate me when she finds out about this, but when I begged her to let me get her a real cell phone instead of the phone she showed up with, I conveniently left out the tracking software.

I would never use this to violate her privacy, but I was scared after what happened with her dad and I didn’t trust him or this Orem freak. I pulled up the app and thanked the lucky stars that her phone was still on. I knew this would help me find her, but I don’t think how ridiculously easy this guy made it for me. I started my truck and began to pull out of the parking lot, dialing my sister’s number once again.

“Did you find her?” She asks hopefully right when she answers.

“I have a good idea where she is. Who is working tonight, Ang?”

“Who is working? At the hotel?”

“Yeah, I need you to call over there and give them permission to tell me what room this fucker has her in.”

“Chaz,” she stutters, “I can’t do that, I mean, if we wait for the cops then we can tell them…”

“I’m not waiting for the Goddamn cops, Angela. I’m going to find her and save her because I can’t rely on this damn police force to do jack shit. Are you going to help me or are you going to be the reason she gets kidnapped?”

I can hear her start to cry on the other end of the phone and I want to feel bad but I have bigger fish to fry. I pull into the back parking lot of the inn and start walking in the direction of the rooms. “What are you going to do, Angela? Let me know now because if you won’t help me I’m kicking all of these doors in until I find her.”

“Fine!” She yells. “Gabriella is working and I’m heading over there right now. Don’t do anything stupid, just meet me in the front office.”

“Good choice, Ang. Hurry up.” 

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