Chapter 18

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I was just opening my dresser to grab a pair of boxers when I heard the soft knock on my bedroom door. It could only be one person at this time of night. My mom retired to her bedroom hours ago and this knock carried a certain heaviness with it that could only come from one person.

"Come in."

I normally wouldn't let somebody in my bedroom when I was wearing nothing but a towel, but Kelsey isn't just somebody. After our little explosive session last week, things between us have been different. I still don't know what my plan is here, but a beautiful woman wants me to worship her body and show her all the ways that she can experience pleasure, and who am I to deny her of that?

She even threatened to go fuck some random officer from the police station if I didn't step up and do it for her. I may not be the man that she needs in her life forever, but I can at least send her off with the experience that she wants. This way she'll know if a future boyfriend or husband is going to be any good in bed or if she should cut her losses. Somebody like Kelsey doesn't deserve mediocre sex.

The door opens with a small creak and Kelsey enters wearing a silk baby blue sleep set. The air almost leaves my lungs at the sight of her beauty. "Hey, Chaz."

"Hi, Princess. Can I help you?"

She bites her bottom lip and fully steps into the room. The door makes the same creaking noise as she closes it behind her, "Maybe you can."

"Mmhmm and what is it that you need help with?" I move in her direction and purposely crowd her space as I reach around and lock the door. I don't suspect that my mom would be able to hear anything and make her way up here, but the last thing I need is her walking in on anything. I tilt Kelsey's chin up with my finger and give her a chaste kiss on the lips, "I'm waiting," I bait her into finally saying something.

"Did you know that your sister took me into the city today?" I nod my head. "You didn't have to arrange that, you know?"

"Nobody makes me do anything, Princess. You deserve to have some nice things." I play with the small bit of lace on the tank top that rests against her cleavage, "Was this one of the new things you bought?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"That depends, did you buy it for sleep or for play?" My voice gets a bit lower and rougher when I ask her. Her breathing quickens and I swear I can see the pulse in her neck beating from the increase in her heart rate. My little princess is so turned on.

"If I said for sleep?" She asks sheepishly.

"If you're planning on just sleeping in this, you better go back over to your bedroom where things are a little safer." I run my finger down the front of the silky top and stop when my finger is hooked in the waistband of the shorts. My cock is so fucking hard that it has almost pushed its way out of the towel. He wants Kelsey just as much as I do.

When I found out that she was a virgin, I had to step on the brakes a bit. The only time I have been with a virgin was when I was one too. I couldn't just screw her brains out the way that I would if it was another hookup. Not this sweet angel that makes me feel things I have no right to feel. I knew Kelsey didn't want to take things slow, but if we were going to cross this line, I was going to make sure she was ready for me. The poor girl had never had an orgasm from anybody other than herself before. I spent the last week changing that. Whether it was with my tongue or my fingers, she'd been riding an orgasmic high since that night.

She was starting to get antsy for more, so it should be any surprise that she's here tonight, dressed up in this sexy little get-up, sneaking into my room after dark.

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