Chapter 16

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“Can I do anything else for you today, Miss Founders?”

“Um, no I think this will be all. Thank you for your help.”

“If you think of anything, please don’t hesitate to call.” The officer handed me his card, but Chaz intercepted it and put it in his back pocket instead.

“We got it, thank you.” He abruptly grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the police station. It wasn’t until we got to his truck that I was able to pull my hand from his grip and take a step back.

“What is your problem? You’re being all growly and shit.”

“I’m not growly. We went in there to follow up on a very serious situation and the guy ends up flirting with you the entire fucking time.”

“What are you talking about, Chaz? Lance wasn’t flirting, he was just being kind and helping me fill out the paperwork for the protection order. Don’t forget YOU are the one that wanted me to fill out the paperwork anyway.” I poke my finger into his chest. 

“Lance,” he says in a mocking tone, “was about two seconds away from asking you out on a date. Totally fucking inappropriate.”

“You’re being ridiculous. Can we just go back to the farm now?”


Chaz opens the truck for me and I slide into the passenger’s seat. In what seems to be a trend for us, the drive home is completely silent. This guy is driving me absolutely nuts. I’m not an expert in male/female relationships by any means, but I don’t understand how a single person can give off so many mixed messages. I’ve caught his glances in my direction when we’re working on the house together or just hanging around the house.

When I was a scared mess yesterday, he held me in his arms and I felt so secure and protected. He even kissed me, it might have been just the top of my head, but he didn’t hesitate to show affection. I could have sworn he was going to kiss me when we were at Emory’s, but then he turned cold again. I hesitated to ask him to sleep in the same bed as me after our wake-up call this morning, but when he did it I thought I was making it clear that I was opening the invitation for him. He didn’t take advantage though.

Maybe he was just a nice guy who was worried about my safety, but then he goes off on the police officer helping me fill out paperwork this morning. Lance certainly wasn’t flirting with me, he was just being nice. Then Chaz sweeps in and drags me from the station, throwing out accusations. I just want to strangle him…or kiss him…or kiss him while strangling him.

When Chaz stops the truck, I hop out and hurry into the house. I make it to the kitchen before Chaz’s hands grab my waist and spin me around to face him, “What is your problem?”

“No problems here, Chaz. Everything is peachy-keen, can’t you tell?”

“Your sarcasm isn’t exactly endearing, Princess.”

“Maybe it wasn’t meant to be endearing. I just want to be by myself right now, can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Fine,” he lets go and takes a few steps back, “If you want to be alone so badly, then go be alone.”

“Fine! Then I will.”

“Great! Have a grand fucking time, Kelsey.”

This man infuriates me to the bone I turn and take a few steps heading out of the kitchen and then I freeze. I can’t take it anymore, the tension between the two of us is palpable, and if I don’t do something I feel like I’m going to explode. He stands there and stares at me, either daring or threatening me, I can’t tell which one. “Fuck it.” 

The House That Built Me (Strawberry Inn Book #3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя