Chapter 8

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When we pulled in front of Strawberry Inn, Chaz grabbed my bags before I got the chance to do it myself. This was weird, he had done a complete one-eighty from how he was at his place earlier. I was still dealing with the whiplash. I guess just add it to my confusion in my life right now. I was going to have to give Priscilla a call and tell her I wouldn’t be in Seattle today or probably even tomorrow. She knew I was taking the bus and it would take some time to get there, but I didn’t want her worrying too much. This pit stop really halted my laid-out plans.

“Are you coming or what?” I guess he was back to being short with me, this guy was confusing me for sure. I followed him into the reception office of the inn, but rather than stopping at the front desk, he just gave a wave and proceeded behind the desk and through the door. “My sister should be working right now,” he said as he glanced over his shoulder.

Sure enough, we went right into a room where a woman was sitting behind a desk with a young baby in her arms. Chaz dropped my bags and went right to the baby, sweeping her up into the air. She started to giggle the sweetest baby giggles and for a moment I forgot that he was kind of a jerk to me.

“You’re going to regret that, she just ate about ten minutes ago,” his sister said.

“Oh, well in that case you can have her back.” He kissed the baby on the nose and then placed gave her back to her mom. It was then that I noticed a movement to my right, another baby in a little swing starting to wake from a nap.

“I thought your sister only had one baby.”

She stands up, baby on one hip, and magically undoes the safety belt of the second baby with just one hand. How she manages to do that and now hold both of them without dropping one is beyond me., “Should I be concerned that a stranger is in my office and knows about my baby, Chaz?”

“Angela, this is Kelsey. She’s, well to be honest I’m not too sure how to introduce her.”


“She met mom at the diner this morning, I guess they're best friends now.”

“He’s giving a really bad summary of the situation. My name is Kelsey Founders. I was detouring through Strawberry because I used to live here. It was a coincidence that I met your mom. I used to live in the house she lives in with Chaz.”

“You used to live in the farmhouse? That thing has been abandoned for years!”

“We moved about a decade ago,” I explained once again. “I don’t know what happened to the farm after we left, I was just a teenager at the time.”

“That’s pretty cool. Well, I’m Angela Thatcher. I own this little slice of heaven and this cutie is Indie,” she kisses the baby on her left hip.

“She stole the other one because she’s obsessed with even numbers,” Chaz quips at his sister.

“Ignore him, he’s annoying as heck. This other cutie is Esme, she belongs to be my best friend, Blair.”

“Blair Bishop?”

“You know her?”

“I mean, it is Strawberry, we kind of all knew each other, ya know? I was quite a bit younger than her, but I remember her moving back with her son, Hayes, right before we left town. She had another baby?”

“She did. Blair actually works here too. She and Cody as having a little date and I get to babysit.”

“Didn’t you say Ginny was with my mom this morning, Kelsey?”

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