Chapter 15

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I can’t sleep. 

Sure, I could blame it on the events of yesterday. Nobody would blame me for being on edge. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard noises coming from outside and Kelsey’s screams just a few hours ago. That isn’t the reason I can’t sleep either. I can’t sleep because I made the dumb mistake of agreeing to lay in bed with Kels instead of heading back upstairs to the other free room.

It was innocent enough at first. She was facing the other direction, lying on her side. Once she fully fell asleep, her body shifted, and rather than a buffer zone between us, she’s sprawled across my body like I’m her fucking body pillow or something. She even has her leg flung over my legs. The worst part is that it feels so fucking good I don’t want to even try and move her.

Rather than move her off of me and try to settle in for a small amount of sleep, I stay still on my back and watch her chest rise and fall and talk myself down from running my fingers through her long, blonde hair. She’s so beautiful, but she’s way too young for me. I’m not looking for a relationship and if I were to be on the market, she’s certainly not the type of woman I should be going for. She’s too young and comes with way too much drama. I don’t even know how long she’s going to be around here.

Not to mention, she may only be here for a short period of time. Especially with her dad and that creepy guy who she is apparently supposed to marry in some arranged bullshit marriage. Staying in Strawberry might not be the best move for her. If I’m trying to find a partner, I need somebody who is going to be around. The devil on my shoulder creeps up and says that means she’d make a great hook-up, but I smack him away because that would be taking advantage of her in a vulnerable situation. I’m not the noblest guy in the world, but I have some morals.

My entire body clenches when Kelsey stirs in her sleep. She finally moves off my body and faces the other direction. Knowing there is no chance in hell I’m getting any sleep, I slowly move out of bed, making sure not to wake her. I’m sure I can figure out Emory’s coffee maker and get some caffeine in me, but first I need to go back up to the other room and get dressed. I’m in only my boxer shorts and that does seem appropriate for many reasons.

Just before hitting the staircase, I realize that I can smell coffee already and that means that our hostess must already be up. Crossing my fingers she hasn’t heard me yet, I quickly head up the stairs and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and brush my teeth before heading back downstairs to the kitchen.

“Well, hello, hello,” Emory greets me with a suspicious smile on her face.

“Good morning,” I point to the cup of coffee, “Got some more of that?”

“Of course,” she motions her chin to the kitchen counter. “I busted out the pot this morning instead of just the single brew. I figured you two could probably use the pick me up.”

“Thanks,” I grumble and start to pour my own cup.

“So…did you sleep well last night?”

“Not really. Tensions were a bit high, ya know? Sorry again for that early morning wake-up.”

“Not a problem,” she dismisses me with a wave of her hand, “I probably should have told you to expect some noise from him. I’m so used to it that I usually sleep right through it. Was there anything else wrong?”

“No, everything was quiet the rest of the night. If you need to get going to work or something, I can go wake her up.”

“Nah, let her sleep. You’re sure the rest of the night was okay?”

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