Epilogue: Our journey

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"Holy shit

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"Holy shit..." The red-winged boy murmured as his shaking hands grabbed the envelope with his name. "MOM! DAD!

Kai ran to his parent's bedroom, opening the door harshly, and making the couple jump awake.

"MY GOD!", "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" both screamed at the same time, trying to assimilate why their oldest boy is screaming.

"MAMA, DADA! IT ARRIVED!" in his hand the envelope, with the Yuei High logo in evidence.

"HOLY SHIT! DID YOU OPENED?" (Y/N) screamed too.

"No! Mama, I'm shaking and scared." Kai sat down before them on the mattress.

Why he is scared? Well...

The now fifteen years old boy decided he wants to follow his dad's steps, using his powerful quirk to help others. He wants to be to someone what Hawks was to him on the day he was saved. A powerful figure that came to protect.

But instead of entering the school by recommendation, which would be easy since he's the son of the number two pro hero, his stubborn self decided to do the entrance exam.

Kai wants to do a name for himself and also prove that his qualification is due to his strength, not because he was using his social status as an advantage.

It's understandable, since he grew up under the media's eyes, always known everywhere as "Tiny Hawks". So he wants to make a difference now. He trained hard with his friend Tsukuyomi and gave his everything to it.

Keigo has mixed feelings about it. He's proud of his son's dedication and determination, but the man can't help and feel guilty that his boy needs to do all of this just because people can't stay out of others' business.

Hawks is the famous one and he wanted to be the only focus of all the harassment, so his family could live normally. It's stressful for him to see this, but at least his family knows how to deal pretty well with everything and doesn't take it too seriously.

However, now the boy is anxious, doubting himself... What if he wasn't good enough?

"Hey..." Keigo put a hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes. "You're incredible and I'm so proud of you. All your efforts will not be in vain. So don't fear, I know you got in."

"Your dad is right. You came a long way, baby bird. Remember where we were ten years ago? How tiny and scared you were? Look at you now, a strong boy, my little phoenix... This city is just so lucky to have someone like you who wants to use his quirk to protect them. You'll be an amazing hero, Kai." (Y/N) said, caressing his cheek and giving it a lovely kiss.

"Thank you..." he started to get emotional. "If it wasn't both of you I... I don't know, I probably won't even be alive. If I'm good is only because of your love."

The three shared a big hug, both parents giving a lot of smooches to the boy.

"Now, no more tears. Open the envelope. We're here with you, baby bird." Keigo told.

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