Prologue: We are not less human

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'I'm exhausted', it's everything Hawks can think at the moment

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'I'm exhausted', it's everything Hawks can think at the moment. After months of searching for an illegal organization, that is capturing and selling people who have any animal-like physical characteristics to the black market, the young pro hero just wants a pause.

However, something within himself just keeps pushing him forward. Maybe is the pictures that his research team found about this obscure place or maybe the bodies they found from the unlucky ones that weren't "good enough to sell entire".

The whole situation makes the ranger boil up inside him. People just like him are being deemed less human only because of a trait, a simple detail from the quirk they inherited, that makes them slightly different. This isn't fair.

"You must go home." the strong voice coming from the door boomed strongly, breaking the silence in his office. "Overwork yourself will do nothing for the mission."

"Easy to tell, Endeavor... Isn't it like I'm gonna sleep if I go home." the blonde said, stretching his wings.

"I'm not asking, I'm demanding. Go. Home."

"Argh, what are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at home too?" he tried to complain, after all, isn't like he's the only one doing extra hours in the agency.

Since it came to the government's acknowledgment that an organization is doing human trafficking in Japan under the lame excuse that "these are not human but animals", the high-ups are on edge.

They're worried that this scandal will make it to the media, causing the rest of the world to look down on the country. After all, how can Japan still be called 'the house of the most powerful heroes of the decade' if under their noses those weaker ones are being treated like less than an animal?

Especially, how can Hawks go to his luxury apartment, and sleep in his comfortable bed, knowing that people like him are suffering right now? Not like Endeavor, EraserHead, Best Jeanist, or 99% of the registered heroes, but like him!

"I'm not gonna tell you again, little brat. Go home. We'll need everyone rested if another clue is to be found."

"You don't underst-"

"Yes, I do. Believe me, you're not the only one on edge. Now shut up and go home." Endeavor didn't leave any space to answer, closing the door harshly behind him and going away.

Sighing loudly, Hawks just got up from his chair and lazily made his way home. Not caring much about doing anything other than jumping on his bed and letting the exhaustion consume him.


After a restless night of sleep, Keigo is once again at the agency. Sending a weak 'good morning' to anyone in his way, the winged man got the lift to the highest floor of the building, the one specially designated to the people helping in the mission.

A small but powerful team consisting of a few specialists in tracking and hacking, police officers, some reliable interns, and the top heroes Endeavor, Mirko, and Hawks himself.

"You're here early. Again." said Mirko hearing the sound of the elevator, knowing too well who is the crazy one to be in the agency at 5 AM.

"I can tell the same." Keigo answered, noticing that the rabbit woman isn't in her energetic mood like always. "Anything new, Mirko?"

"Not really. I think our theory that those guys have more than one place to hide their shit is getting more solid by the time. They're smart..."

"I'm smarter, don't worry." he joked a bit.

"You sure are..." Mirko rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I just want this to end soon. I can't deal with the stress anymore!!"

"You are... Feeling that thing too, right?" he eyed the confused rabbit "This anguish to do something about it quick. To stop this immediately."

"Yeah, is strange... I mean, we're heroes, and saving people is our thing but..." she paused with a distance and angry eyes. "When I saw how they kept those poor people chained up in a dark room, showing off their quirks like some type of prize and then removing those said parts of their bodies like it was nothing... Something inside me just got twisted."

"You're not the only one. It feels like it was happening to me. Like it was me in there, having my wings exposed to some sick bastard to buy."

"We have to stop this, Hawks. To show them that we aren't animals and that people like us deserve better. For god's sake, we have rights. We're not less because of our quirk!"

"Of course not, I'm better than everyone here thanks to mine!" he joked to light up the sore mood.

"Ugh, just shut it." she laughed, thankful that her friend was still the same goofy guy, even in this dark time.

As the morning goes by, the late afternoon came to the team and everyone still tensed and focused on their tasks. However, a sudden 'bip' sound started to come from one of the multiple computers in the room.

"Sir, I need you to see this!" one of the specialists screamed, bringing the attention of the heroes. "There's movement in one of the locals we have under vigilance."

"Show me on the big screen." Endeavor said out loud. "This isn't that old factory out of the city?"

"Yes sir, this place is closed for years. All CCTVs in the region showed no movement for weeks, at least until today."

Clicking on the keyboard of his computer a few times, the specialist played on the big screen a video that showed an old van entering the factory's perimeter. Some men with their faces covered started to unload the van, dragging some sacks inside the building.

"What the fuck are they doing...?" Mirko questioned. "The- There are people inside those bags?"

"I bet." Keigo was growling in anger. It's clearly a person being dragged inside to a fearful and unknown fate. "We need to get there, now!"

"Calm down-"

"I'm calm, old man. But we wasted enough time already. Let's jump into action."

"I SAID CALM DOWN, DAMNIT!" Endeavor said blocking his path. "We need a plan, we can just get in there. This is only one of their hideouts, we need more information before acting."

"We can get information from those sick bastards on the van, don't you think?"

"Yeah and we gonna do this but not now. First, we need to follow this van, see where it goes and to who."

"I'm not gonna sit here and wait while they're doing who knows what to the people inside that building."

"And I'm not letting you ruin this two months' mission because you're not thinking straight, brat!" the powerful voice of Endeavor put an end to the discussion, to Hawks' dismay. "You and Mirko follow the van."

"What if is there someone inside this factory doing something to them? You just gonna let it happen?"

"Sir, the van is going away, only one man inside!" a voice informed.

"Go follow the van. I'm going to the factory to see what's happening inside."

"Fine... Mirko, go with him. I'm faster alone."

She nodded and ran down to the garage with Endeavor. Wasting no time, Hawks flew above the city searching for the van and those terrible people.

"Finally we're going somewhere..." he sighed. "Yes, finally this whole story is coming to an end."


welcome to Instinct! hope u enjoy every part of it! i'm doing some slight editing just to make sure my grammar is acceptable so don't mind me hehehehe
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