Chapter 9

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It had been over a week since Midnight had his wounds mended by his older brother. The wounds weren't as severe as he expected and were already healed within half a week. Shredder didn't trust it however. He forced Midnight to stay put in the lair until he gave the order for him to go out. Midnight was unpleased and mentally groaned. Although he was forced to stay trapped in the lair the Shredder was nice enough to allow him to train the foot-clan. A smile formed on the light skinned turtle's face. He still had about an hour before training even started for them, so he'd have to wait a bit.


Donatello was sat at his desk in his lab. Ever since the encounter with Midnight his two eldest brothers yelled at him nonstop, you heard right, two. Raphael had woke up not too long after Midnight left and Leonardo just had to tell his 'favorite' brother everything. Half of what Leonardo told was a complete lie, while the other half was a two-faced truth! Donatello grew tired of everything, his family, his unappreciated hard efforts, the betrayals, and his little brother leaving. All he wanted was some fresh air and today was the day he could finally meet up with Midnight.

Donnie had found the letter left for him on his lab table. He skimmed through it and smiled half way through the reading. At the very end of the card read; "Thanks for the fix up D, you are the best when it comes to anything medical or sciencey. Meet me at the park on broadway at 12 on the 20th. -Midnight." Donnie laughed at the end of the letter, only because his little brother drew a bunch of smiley faces on the card. Donnie had a nice warm feeling inside him. He missed the days his younger brother doodled on everything he wrote on, it always brought a sense of joy to him. Yet, he couldn't fully trust the letter. He didn't want to be ambushed by an army of foot ninjas and forced to obey the Shredder. He shook the thought from his head, refusing to believe the possible truth. Donatello kept his head held high, hoping his brother wouldn't betray him once again.

"Donnie!" A voice yelled from the living room. Donatello groaned in annoyance but made his way towards to voice nether less. "Yes?" "Get us some pizza, will ya?" Raph said, facing the tv with Leo while his back was to Donnie. "Raph I just got you pizza yesterday!" Raphael wiped his head around and gave Donnie the biggest death glare. The purple masked turtle sighed in defeat and complied. Donnie made his way towards his lab to grab some money and his bo staff just in case.

Donnie made his way out the sewer tunnels rather quickly. He found a ladder leading to the roof and grabbed ahold the railings. Donnie pulled himself up and started his run across the roofs of the night. This was his favorite thing to do besides tinkering. He loved the feeling of wind colliding with his skin, the way the moon glistened in the night, the sound of owls cooing, and the smell of the fresh breezy air. Whilst smelling the scent the air gave off, the smell of pizza was brought through Donnie's nose. He looked down at the roads and found a pizza delivery man dressed in red and wearing a red and white hat. He seemed to be humming and tapping his finger to the beat of the song on his little moped. Donnie jumped from the roof he was on and hid in the shadows while following the moped. Donnie had a toothy grin, seeing 3 boxes of pizza on the back of the moped. Jackpot!

As Donnie reached his hand out to carefully grab the pizzas, he was stopped to a rock thrown at his head. "What the-" Donnie mumbled under his breath, looking behind himself, whilst rubbing the back of his head. Azrael's men stood atop a building before jumping down, hitting bats and crowbars against there hands. The only reason Donnie knew who they were was thanks to his little brother and without him he was totally screwed. There were way too many men to fight off alone, especially since they don't hold back. Donnie gulped. He had to come up with a quick logically plan. He ran, he sped off from the fight, looking like a coward. An idea popped into his head. It was almost 12, meaning Midnight was waiting for him at their designated area they planned to meet at.

Donnie ran into alleyways trying his best to lose them, though his efforts were not enough. Some of the men were chasing Donnie on their motorcycles whilst others ran along the roofs above him. Either way Donnie was pretty much surrounded. Multiple arrows grazed past Donnie, one however hit him in the shoulder. Donnie cried in pain and grabbed ahold of his shoulder. His fingers were covered in the blood that seeped out the arrow wound. He got back to his feet and continued his way towards we're Midnight hopefully waited. More men piled in, it seemed they were endless. Every second of running took a toll on Donnie's energy. He started to lose his speed and losing momentum, some arrows were even getting closer to his skin. Of course one arrow had to hit, the chances were over 75%. The arrow collided with Donnie's left calf. Donnie let out a scream that could be heard from a mile away. He dropped to the floor in pain, and looked at the arrow, watching his own blood spill before he started seeing black dots block his vision.

"Well, well, well, the poor turtle has been caught." One of the goons snickered. "Yeah! Azrael will be so proud of us!" Another one spoke. The voices continued to speak over one another. One walked up to Donnie and put their hand under his chin, lifting it up high for Donnie to see him. "Give it up, you've lost." Donnie groaned in pain. The goon smirked and let go of Donnie's chin, making it collide with the cold concrete floor. Donnie let out a yelp, his head was pounding and his eyes were threatening to close. "Please.." Donnie spoke softly. The others turned towards him. "Let 'em speak." One of grinned. "Aww, what do you want your poor last words to be?" Another goon taunted the poor injured purple masked turtle. Donnie smiled before he yelled out for a friend. "Midnight help me-!" Donnie got his words out but the goons were furious. "You stupid turtle!" A goon spoke and kicked Donnie's side. "Nether-less he probably won't come for you anyways."

"I wouldn't be so cocky." A voice spoke coming out the shadows to reveal the one and only Midnight. Donnie smiled before finally giving in. The kick to his side felt like getting hit by a bus. Many tiny black dots filled his version, and his body went limp.

Sorry this chapter took a while! It's kinda sloppy. Apologies if some words seem messed up, I kinda skimmed it without fully rereading over it. 
Word count: 1218
Date: 10/16/22

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