Chapter 7

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Donatello had the stupidest idea. You'd think for possibly having a higher IQ than Einstein that he'd rethink his idea. Though he had no sign of call backs. He planned to leave sometime tonight. He could easily sneak out as Leonardo was too busy occupying Raph and Splinter was starting to meditate more than usual.

Donatello let out a deep sigh. He was willing to risk his life just to see his baby brother. He didn't know how to see him. He knew his brother was at Shredders but he also knew he couldn't just waltz in. He would have to come up with a plan before midnight.

Meanwhile Leonardo hasn't left Raphael's side. He's been sitting or even laying on the floor right by the coach that Raph was resting on. Sometimes Leo talked to him, hopping to get a response, anything to give Leo that very sign that indicated his brother was okay. Though he never got the sign he wanted, not even a peep. Leonardo had became very tired, some days he wouldn't sleep, afraid Raphael would wake up and be alone. Leo loved his brothers very much, well all but one. He was mad at the youngest brother. Leo put his heart into trying his best to love and care for him but all he got back were shattered pieces. Leo sighed and shook the feeling of hate away, only to drown in tiredness as he leaned against the coach, drifting to sleep.

Whereas Donatello was making a full proof plan. He had been thinking of different ideas for the past hour. Donatello inhaled a sigh of frustration and rubbed his temples while exhaling. Then he had the perfect idea. A smile formed on his face, reaching both cheeks. He stood up from his chair he was sat in and grabbed his bo staff on the way out his lab. Donatello made sure to check if Leonardo was awake before making a dash for the exit.

Donatello roamed the rooftops of the surface. It was already about to be one am. Donnie's plan was to roam the rooftops and alleyways in hope of stumbling into Midnight. It wasn't the best plan but it had a higher chance of him surviving.

In the distance Donnie noticed two figures running from roof to roof. One seemed to be playing prey while the other played hunter. Needless to say Donnie quickly went to go check it out, it was his "job" to keep his city safe of harm. The closer Donatello neared the more he knew. Turns out the prey was Midnight and the hunter was the same guy Midnight fought once before; Azrael.

The time Donnie witnessed their fight was the time Raph almost got killed. The thought alone sent shivers down Donnie's shell. All Donnie had to do was simply help Midnight and hopefully have his moment to properly apologize and accept his brothers new ways of life, no matter how badly it impacts his family.


Midnight was breathing heavily, his chest rapidly going up and down. He had unluckily encountered Azrael without the help of his mutant friend. The fight was not going his way whatsoever, he not only lost his katanas but was badly injured. Midnight didn't show any signs of fear for his opponent at all but deep down he felt it, he felt he would dishonor Shredder and his foot-clan. He couldn't die, not yet, he needed to bring honor to the foot. Midnight did the only reasonable thing he could think of doing, he sprinted. He ran as fast as he could, he had an amazing stamina but with his injuries he could only go half his regular speed.

"Stop running you coward!" Azrael yelled, Midnight only ran faster, leaving Azrael in the dust, or so he thought. Midnight was too busy looking behind him for any signs of Azrael to even realize the roof was almost ending. By the time he did notice he didn't have enough time or space to stop, especially with the speed he was going. Midnight yelped at he sped off the rooftop, falling into a dumpster. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" Midnight said to himself, jumping out the nasty bin of trash, wiping dirt and left over residue off himself.

"Well, Well, Well, look who is cornered and all alone, not to mention barley standing." Azrael snickered, tapping his metal crowbar onto his left hand repeatedly. Before Midnight could barley process what was happening, Azrael sped towards him, ready to rip him to pieces. Midnight had no weapons to defend himself or enough time to move out the way from getting scrambled like an egg. Though when Midnight felt no pain hit his body he looked up in surprise. Donatello had just saved his turtle butt.

"I wouldn't say alone." Donatello boasted and showed his toothy grin. Azrael's spirit was ripped away from him and was washed over with anger. "You should've stayed home turtle." The two began to bash back and fourth. Midnight simply moved out the way to regather himself before helping his baby brother fight off the enemy, like the old days when they were team B.

Midnight got a good kick on Azrael that hit him straight in his mouth. Azrael stumbled back a few steps and wiped the blood from his mouth. He grabbed a chain from his belt pocket that looked like a rose covered in thorns. Azrael then wiped the chain at Midnight's right ankle. Midnight tried to jump over the chain but had timed his jump to early. Midnight let out a scream of pain as his ankle was wrapped with, what felt like thorns. Azrael gave a strong pull at the chain which caused Midnight to scream even louder. Thankfully when Azrael pulled the chain back it let go of Midnight's ankle. "Mikey!" Donnie yelled aloud as he ran over to his injured brother. "Don't worry I'll get us out of here!" Donatello panicked as he put his arm under his brothers shoulder to help him stand. Donnie threw down a smoke bomb and the two disappeared, leaving a raged Azrael behind.

Donnie had no other option but to bring him back to the lair so he could treat his wound

Word count: 1050
Date: 10/02/22

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