Chapter 8

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Midnight managed to keep his eyelids from closing as he was huffing for air. Donatello gave him a few concerned glances before continuing to help Midnight wobble his way to the lair.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" Donatello asked, lifting the manhole cover off the ground. He only got a nod in acknowledgement as Midnight could barley speak yet alone breathe.

Donnie helped Midnight down the ladder leading to the sewers, earning a few yelps during the process.

The two arrived at the entrance to the lair. Donnie let a sigh out of his system before turning to Midnight, giving him a smile of encouragement. He figured Midnight may be a little tense as he hasn't seen his family for a while and basically betrayed them.

"Welcome home little bro.." Donnie said with a sly smile. Midnight didn't speak and kept a neutral face, yet he snuck a small smile in. Donnie noticed the smile and had a sensation of joy seeing it. It's been a while since he's seen his little brother with a smile of happiness, rather than a smile filled with hatred and sadness.

The two finally took their steps inside, trying to be as sneaky and quiet as they could. Unfortunately for the two Leo and Raph were watching a movie on the coach, while April was making snacks in the kitchen. Dang it! Donnie had completely forgotten about their planned movie night. This is not going to go well.

"Donnie?" April asked as she peaked her head out from the kitchen. A look of confusion formed on her face as she looked at the scene in-front of her. A new turtle with a black mask was being helped to stand by Donnie and was bleeding out his ankles.

"Oh my god! Who is that? Is he okay?!" April rapidly placed the objects in her hand down, placing them back onto the counter and rushed over to the two, trying her best to help.

The loud noises and yells caused Leonardo to turn around and face the scene behind him. He had a face of a surprised shock that was quickly replaced by anger. "Really Donnie?! You brought him here?" Leonardo fast walked his way towards the kitchen the three were in. "Please let me explain!" Donnie said as he tried to reason with his oldest brother only to get pushed back. "No! This is unacceptable! As your older brother and leader I won't allow this!" Leonardo yelled as he pushed his way past Donnie ready to get into a fight with Midnight. Thankfully April stepped in the way of the two, trying her best to stop whatever was happening as she had not one clue.

"Leo! He's clearly hurt and needs attention, why don't we allow Donnie to fix him up and we can discuss everything afterwards. We don't need another Raph!" April spoke, pointing towards the passed out Raphael on the coach who was still majorly injured. Leonardo only gave a huff of air, indicating his annoyance with Aprils idea, yet he didn't argue with it and went to go sit back down on the coach.

"Thank April.. I don't know what I'd do without you." Donnie said as he rubbed the back of his neck, his face turned a light shade of pink. (The 2012 version of Donnie had a crush on April so I'm just going with it). "You and your friend would've probably got beat if it weren't for me." April said with a sly grin. "By the way what's his name?" Donnie tensed. He didn't know if he should tell her quite yet. " Oh uh I'll tell you after I get him fixed up! He isn't in the best shape for us to talk for too long." Donnie said at a rapid speed, giving an awkward smile before grabbing Midnights hand and pulling him to his lab, slamming the door. "That was weird.." April mumbled the words underneath her breath, deciding to brush it off and go join Leonardo on the coach.


In the lab Donatello was examining Midnights injuries. He gave what seemed to be a positive hum. Donnie sat up from his chair he was in and walked over towards his medical supplies. He grabbed materials to clean Midnights wounds up and stitching materials along with it. Midnight was sitting on a high top medical bed with his legs dangling off the end. Midnight was watching Donnie's every move like a hawk. He especially kept a firm eye on the materials Donnie was grabbing, one in particular caught his eye.

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