Chapter 1

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      Michelangelo has always, always loved his brothers no matter what and made a promise he would til the end. No matter what his brothers did to him he never stopped loving. Like that one time Raph took Mikey's very valuable comic book from his collection to use it as spit balls, then repeatedly spit the spit balls at Mikey's head, not caring how important the comic was to his little brother. Sure Mikey was mad and very emotional about it and complained to his big brother how hurt it made him feel. Yet Raph didn't care one bit, as he shooed Mikey away, threatening to use him as his new punching bag. No matter the threats, the rude insults, stealing, rudeness, and lack of respect for their younger brother, Mikey still loved each and everyone of them.

Though his promise wouldn't last for long.

Today was the day, the day they had all turned fifteen. Splinter had finally allowed the four curious, daring turtles to go above the surface. Splinter was strict on the rules of course, some rules were embarrassing, some were honest and helpful and others were wise explanations of what and what not to do on the surface. Even though the rules were said and told, no one paid much attention to them, thinking their father was only being a stressed out dad.

After the rules were told the turtles wasted no time and pushed their way up and out the sewers, leaving the lair for the first time. Since everyone was pushing and shoving they never seemed to realize how Mikey was pushed hard onto the cold pavement sewer floors. When Mikey fell he had no time to prepare for the sudden fall and squealed out a cry as if asking for help. Though. Nobody heard him as the other three laughed of joy, running for topside. Mikey didn't fall on his knees like he hoped he would've, instead he fell flat on his face, colliding with the concrete floor, feeling the coldness as he passed out.

"Wait guys!" Donnie yelled as he suddenly stopped, leaving his brothers confused.

"We're forgetting something.."

"What are we forgetting Donnie?" The blue masked leader asked, gaining curious.

"We forgot to celebrate!" Everyone's faces lit up with excitement. The three turtles started yooping and cheering. Unbeknownst to them their little brother had just woken up from his 5 minute pass out with a huge concussion.

Mikey gradually fluttered his eyes open and shut, wanting to feel the cold concrete once again. Yet his brain wouldn't allow him, as his thoughts shouted at him to get up. One hand moved first into the position of a push up as his second hand followed. He used what felt to him as all of his strength just to simply sit on his knees. Mikey groaned in pain as his body's reaction made his hand fly up to his head, wanting to stop the pounding that reminded him of Raph beating his punching bag. Though Mikey's head throbbed and made his vision blurry, causing him to be dizzy, wanting to throw up he still continued to try and stand.

One knee up first in the position of a lung, second one following, allowing Mikey to fully stand on his feet. Mikey felt the world was spinning around him as his head pounded harder than before. This made it extremely difficult for Mikey to even move and since he had followed his oldest brothers through the sewer tunnels, he had little to no idea where he was. It took Mikey a few minutes to gain control of his surroundings. When he finally did he started to walk, in hopes of running into his brothers or finding his way home.

Every step Mikey took gave him little bits of energy and strength. He noticed this and began to walk faster, taking bigger and bigger steps. Soon enough Mikey was full on sprinting in the sewers, his head stopped pounding and his eyes stopped playing tricks on him.

A smile, bigger than the sun leaped it's way onto Mikey's face. "Cowabunga!"

Though his smile didn't last for long, nothing ever did for him. His energy started to run out and his feet started to hurt. It's like he's been running in circles the whole time. Mikey gave up on finding the lair, why not go topside instead? Mikey found the nearest ladder, climbing up to the top, removing the manhole cover. Mikey popped his light green skinned head out the top, checking if the coast was clear.

'Looks good to me' Mikey's voice rang out in his head. He pushed the manhole cover up and through it to the side, taking a better look at his surroundings. It was beautiful...New York was so pretty, the lights filled the empty streets, trash littered the alleyways and streets, honking could be heard along with police sirens, smoke from people chimneys filled the air... maybe it wasn't all that good but it was better than the sewers!

'Hmm where would my bros be?'  Mikey thought, finger tapping his chin before a lightbulb appeared above his head, signaling he had an idea.

"The roofs!" Mikey slapped his hand over his mouth, realizing he spoke aloud, not wanting to attract the people of the city.

Mikey looked left, right, up and down before spotting a way up to the roofs. He jogged his way on over, pulled down the ladder and climbed to the top. Mikey fell into silence. How could he find his brothers? If he thought the city on ground level was big, wait til he got to the roofs!

Mikey sighed and began hopping roof to roof. In the distance Mikey seemed to notice a figure in the distance, no .. figures, he saw more than one person. 'My bros!' Mikey thought as he sped up running towards "his brothers". Though when he got to the spot he saw them, they were gone.

"Donnie? Hello?, Raph, ... are you guys here?" Mikey carried his o's in hello. Mikey groaned as he got no response.

"Guys Cmon I wanna go home. This isn't funny!" Mikey groaned and let out a huge sigh. Why were his bros hiding from him? Sure they make fun of him but they've never once hid from him before. This only made Mikey upset, yet determined. If his brothers wouldn't come out then he'd go find them in the shadows himself.

Mikey walked towards the shadowed area on the roof top, his nerves spiked up a bit, fearing the worst. The butterflies in his stomach told him to run, to flee while he could, yet his legs kept walking, inching closer and closer. Mikey extended his arm, bracing for what was there, reaching for the darkness. Mikey let a deep, sigh out relieving him of his nerves. Until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Mikey froze, he felt paralyzed, unable to move in his situation.

"Who-who's there..?" Mikey asked as his voice shaked and stuttered, barley able to form his words. Mikey felt courageous and did a quick 360 spin, hands by his nunchucks. Though his posture went back to normal and he immediately stopped felling tensed. It was his idiotic brothers, snickering at Mikey's intentions.

"What's wrong scaredy cat?" Raph mocked his younger brother who looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Real funny guys." Mikey said with no emotion. This only made his brothers start laughing out loud.

"Where you guys hiding on this building the whole time?" Mikey asked with a frown.

"No? We were across town over there." Leo pointed towards a tall building, not the tallest in New York but high enough you wouldn't be able to get to without gear. This made Mikey's nerves come back all over again.

"So you weren't on this building at all?"

"No I already said that Mikey, gosh you don't listen." Leo rolled his eyes as his brothers snickered. Mikey felt uneasy but he didn't want to "worry" his brothers so he quietly joined their laughing.

"Guys we should get back to the lair, the sun will be rising soon." Donnie said as he was looking on his shell-cell. Donnie never made one for Mikey, saying he'd break it yet alone need it in the first place.

"Right, good idea Don." The three turtles followed the blue masked leader home, leaving their younger brother yet again.

"Guys wait!" Mikey yelled as he ran to follow. Though he saw something fall out his belt pocket from the corner of his eye. A yellow sticky note. Mikey stopped and picked it up to examine what the writing said.

"Look behind you."

"What the-" Was all Mikey could spill out, for the back of a katana collided with his head, knocking him out cold.

New story! Hope you guys enjoy it so far, I'll try to update when possible.
Word count: 1490

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