" Because we're insane," Marc answers plainly, then scoffs as he turns his back, " We're insane. This talking hippo, talking dead bird, you're outside of my body now, Cleo's a fucking Goddess, and now the afterlife? This is reality and this..."

" But, Marc, Marc."

" The hospital. That's the imagination," Marc sighs as his head tilts down, " Oh, man, Dr. Harrow's right."

" Dr. Harrow?" Steven asks as his nose scrunches and head tilts to the side, " Is he a doctor now?"

" This is an organizing principle. I'll prove it to you," Marc says as he waves his hands in the air and points at one of the doors, " So, like, through these doors, for example, we go through here, there's gonna be patients, and there's Crawley probably about to yell bingooo-ahh!"

 I'll prove it to you," Marc says as he waves his hands in the air and points at one of the doors, " So, like, through these doors, for example, we go through here, there's gonna be patients, and there's Crawley probably about to yell bingooo-ahh!"

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The moment Marc walks through the doors, all of his denials go out the window as he's met with the dark purple sky and sandy sea of the Duat, the Egyptian Underworld. He's soon joined by the hippo and his twin as the smile dawns his face, eyes wide with glee for it confirmed one very important thing.

" I'm not crazy," Marc beams as he turns to face the hippo, " Where did you say we're going?"

" We're sailing to A'aru," Steven answers, " To the Field of Reeds, right, Taweret?"

" Ah, so he's the smart one," Taweret affirms as he points to the Britt, " Well, if your heart's balanced in life, then you will spend eternity in paradise. The Field of Reeds."

The Goddess then reaches her large hands forward and plunges them deep within the men's chests in order to pull out their hearts, something she wasn't certain would work. She happily escorts the heats to the center of the boat where a scale stands tall. Annubis holds the scales, and Taweret places both of the hearts on one side of the scale and the feather of truth on the other, thinking that the scales would balance and she could send the men off to paradise for all of eternity, but of course, it's not that simple.

The scales aren't balancing. They're drifting from side to side but unable to truly be read to know the truth.

The hippo removes the hearts from the scales to further examine them and comes to one very unfortunate conclusion.

" It's the hearts. They aren't... full," Taweret announces as she turns to face the men, " And trust me, I'm a goblet half-full kind of gal, but... it's like they each feel incomplete."

" What does that mean?" Marc asks, getting straight to the point with his arms crossed over his chest.

" Without balanced Scales, the Duat will eventually claim your soul."

And Marc and Steven share a look as if to say that's not an option.

" Do you have any other suggestions?" Steven questions as his fingers fixate.

" This boat contains all of a life's memories," Taweret says as she points to the wooden boat riding through a sea of sand, " Now, I don't know what you two guys have been hiding, but my advice, get in there and show each other the truth."

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