Chapter Three

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Blake wakes up alone, Confused as to where her friendly assassin has gone to she looks around and finds nothing, Then she has An idea she doesn't like.

Blake: Ugh fineee.

She gets up and moves toward Ruby's and Yang's place of sleep and stands beside the already awake Yang without her noticing, She then taps on the blondes head.

Yang: AHhhh-!

Blake quickly shuts her up with her hand before saying.

Blake: I need your help, Which one of you has better sense of this area.

Yang puts her hand up before Blake took her hand away from her mouth

Yang: Me I took a tour earlier in the year, Why?

Blake: My friend seemed to have wondered off I need you to help me find him.

Yang nods before getting up and motioning outside of the hall.


Yang and Blake are wondering around the halls.

Yang: What is he like?

Blake glares at Yang.

Yang scoffs.

Yang: Calm down, How else Am i to know where to find him without knowing what he might do.

Blake sighs.

Blake: He suffers with Night terrors, Not the typical scary ones.....he has...

Yang: PTSD Right?

Blake looks surprised.

Yang: Don't be surprised, Me and Ruby's mother Summer and Our father had it.

Blake: Yes he has it and he likes to blow of steam.

Yang stands still for a second but then starts running.

Yang: He's at the Holo Training area I'm sure of it!

Blake starts running too.

Blake: You better be right!


They run through the large doors but slide to a stop in shock, Not only from The fact Professor Ozpin is there but what Y/N is doing to the holo's.

Ozpin: Quite early for you two to be up is it not?

He turns around with a cup of coffee.

Yang: Sorry Sir we were just looking for our friend here.

She look's over still in shock at what he is capable of.

Ozpin: Well how about both you and Ms. Belladonna sit and watch we wouldn't wan to to ruin his fun now would we.

They both look at each other before looking back to Ozpin

Both: Ok sir.

They took their seats next to Ozpin.

Yang: Is he always this.....Dangerous?

Blake: No he always seemed to be holding back.

Ozpin interrupts with some news.

Ozpin: Well that is because Ms. Belladonna, Zer0, The watchdog or whatever you want to call the young lad was holding back....Even now against the hardest difficulty holo's he's doing absolutely fine.

Both the girls just continue to look on in shock.

Ozpin: Sadly It means he won't be accompanying you into the emerald forest today....To be frank he would make it to easy.....I think once I show everybody this tape they will agree it's best to just let him skip it huh? I think that's completely fair. 

He gets up to leave walking slowly to the door he says.

Ozpin: Oh and Zer0....The combat Uniform you requested is in your dorm, All mods carried over.

Y/N stabs the last 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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The Fangs Ex-Assassin ( Male Zer0 Reader x RWBY Blake Belladonna )Where stories live. Discover now