"Thank you, miss."

          She didn't bother lifting them up physically. She used her quirk and carried them towards the triage area when —


          A wall a few ways beside her exploded but she reacted quick and shielded the four civilians but setting up a forcefield. Arisa's ears were ringing and she quickly shot her arm forward, sending the four towards the triage area before stumbling slightly, pressing her palms against her ears.

          She clenched her eyes shut briefly, "Fuck, are they trying to actually kill us?"

          Her ears were still ringing and she could barely hear. In that moment, she was about to accept that she would be deaf from that moment on and planned to the very last detail as to how she would cope in her daily life.

          Until she heard a faint scream.


          Her eyes snapped open and she looked forward to see an elder man trapped underneath the rubble caused by the explosion. Her gaze shifted for a moment towards the origin of the explosion and her eyes widened to see Gang Orca and a bunch of other people. She assumed they were playing the villain. Arisa made a face of exasperation, "You're kidding me."

          "Everyone, evacuate the area!"


          Her hearing returned but when she pulled away her hand from her ears, there were crimson stains on her palms.

          People were running in the background, trying to save the people the best they could while trying to avoid the eyes of Gang Orca. The elder from before continued to ask for help and so Arisa shot forward without hesitation, running over the rubble, reaching out to grab his hand but instead, her right arm was grabbed tightly and it was as if time moved in slow motion.

          Her head turned to see Gang Orca smiling menacingly at her, "I can't have someone like you running around. You'd ruin everything. No hard feelings, kid."

          "Shit," her eyes widened as more adrenaline kicked in. She was aware of his quirk. The moment he used it, she wouldn't be able to move for a while. She couldn't have that. She had to pass this exam.

          Frantic, with eyes glowing a bright blue underneath her cloth, she smacked her left arm towards his head, causing her body to twist slightly. She had no idea why she did that. She could easily activate her quirk without contact. Maybe it was the adrenaline, she thought. Arisa's eyes narrowed and watched as Gang Orca's eyes gleamed a slight blue for a moment before he let her go.

          She fell on her feet and she quickly scooped her elderly in her hands, looking down at the male and asked, "Are you okay? I'm sorry for grabbing you so roughly. I had to get you out of Gang Orca's sight."

          "It's okay, miss. You're lovely. Thank you for saving me."

          The girl transferred her energy to her feet and she took to the skies. Quickly she shot towards the triage area and gently placed the elderly down, announcing, "He looks to have a head injury and a leg fracture. Please take care of him while I secure the current situation."

          "On it!"

          Arisa created a forcefield around the triage area and took to the skies, choosing to look at the situation from a high vantage point. She scanned the area and picked out all the life forces she could sense before holding an arm out, blue enveloping the area like smoke, momentarily causing the supposed villains of this scenario to pause and to observe the smoke that surrounded them.

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