" What a mature response Katsuki. You know I really did think we might be able to be friends"

The blonde scoffs as he turns to head back inside with the redhead.

" No fucking way. I want nothing to do with you."

He stops before he makes it to the side door of the venue turning around one more time.

" You asked what about Izuku makes me happy. I guess thats pretty simple... he's everything you weren't. And as far as being my type goes, he definitely is, it's you that wasn't, I see that now"

Those are the last things he says before walking inside and slamming a large metal door closed behind him.

Kirishima looks at his best friend.

" You ok man? What did he want?"

Katsuki shrugs with anger still in his eyes.

" Yeah I'm alright, I'm pissed as fuck he keeps showing his God damn face around me but I'm alright. And I don't know what he wanted honestly, start shit? Piss me off? Who knows really, could never get a fucking straight answer outta him even when we were together"

Kirishima furrows his brow.

" Don't think he'll head to jade now and start shit with Mido do you? He's always been so fucking mean and vindictive"

This thought makes something inside Katsuki grow anxious because it was definitely a possibility.

He's getting ready to pull his phone out when the voice of Mina who had been there to watch them practice giggles making them both look up seeing her standing in a doorway.

" I wouldn't worry about Izu. He can handle himself."

Katsuki narrows his eyes.

" Well yeah I know he's got a come back for everything that bitch trys to throw at him, but I don't fucking trust that cheating fuck not to try and start a physical fight either"

Mina laughs again as she heads over to the blonde.

" That's what I'm talking about Bakubabe. Izu can handle himself"

Kirishima and Katsuki exchange confused glances then look back at the girl.

" The hell you takin about?", Katsuki questions.

She grins at him.

" Have you ever worked out with Izu, like really worked out?"

The blonde looks back at her with a slight raised brow.

" Well I mean we run together and shit but we never made it to the gym together yet, why?"

"Your new cutie isn't one to brag about himself, at least not on any kind of serious level but ... Izuku has a black belt in mixed martial arts. His specialty was always kick boxing, something he still does almost daily in his workouts, how do you think he keeps that hotie toned body he has?" , she smirks proud of the greenett she knows.

Katsuki's jaw almost drops and his bestfriend beside him shares almost the same look.

" My Izuku? Big bang watching, nose always in a book, freckles, soft spoken waiter, same guy??", Katsuki asked with a shocked brow raised.

Mina giggles pulling out her phone scrolling through something.

" Yup, that's the guy. He use to compete actually and was super good at it. But he stopped because..well that little cutie just isn't that crazy about being in the spotlight and getting all the attention put on him, now he just uses it to stay in shape mostly but I have no doubt that if pushed too far Sora would be tasting his own blood"

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