"YOU ASSHOLE!!" Jeff yelled. I then realised the knife is still stabbed into my arm. I then moved away from the doors and a few police officers came in and took Jeff away from Dream.

"Jesus Christ George! Look at your arm! You're bleeding everywhere!!" Dream said worried. "It's fine" I said then violently pulled the knife out of my arm.

"We need to go to the hospital and get you some stitches" he said lightly touching my arm. "Doesn't it hurt!" Dream said confused.

"Yeah, but I can deal with it" I said. Honestly, it did hurt a bit. "You just got stabbed in the arm! And you can DEAL WITH IT?? How?!??????" He said.

"Hehe, little Dreamy boy is worried about you" Karl said through the headset. I just ignored him because if I said anything then Dream would be confused and maybe suspicious.

"But I do really need stitches, don't wanna keep this bleeding forever" I said then looked at the floor that had a lot of blood on it.

"You're such an idiot" Dream chuckled. "Anyway, I think that an ambulance is coming to help with your arm or something, I'm not sure, I've been so distracted by your beauty that I can't be bothered to listen" he said trying to hold in his laugh.

"DREAM!!!!" I said shocked then I burst out laughing. Dream then started wheezing.

"I'm telling you he has a crush on you!" Tubbo then said through the earpiece. I ignored them once again. "Do you think he can even hear us?" Tubbo said innocently through the earpiece.

"Of course he can fucking hear us! He is just ignoring us since Dream is literally in his there, it will be so suspicious if he just starts talking to himself" Tommy argued back

"Well, you never know, there is still a chance" Tubbo replied. "Shut up" Tommy said. Then they started arguing back and forth

I wanted to find a way to give them a sign to stop arguing. I decided to make a 'conversation' with Dream.

"God, people around hear really like talking at a crime scene, I guess they never know when to shut up and mind their own business" I said giving a sign.

Then Tommy and Tubbo went quiet. "I think that's a sign for us to shut up" Tommy said. "Yeah..." Tubbo agreed.

"Yeah, it can get quite annoying if they are speaking very loudly because then I can't hear when other officers are talking but they aren't as loud as other times" he smiled.

Soon a couple of medics came into the bar they looked at my arm. "If you don't mind sir to come out with me so we can help you" a kind woman said with an aid kit.

I nodded and walked out with her and Dream followed behind. We then sat in the back of an ambulance with the ambulances back doors open "You might need to get some stitches" she suggested.

"Ya think!" Dream said a little bit under his breath but still a little loud. Thankfully the medic didn't hear but I did.

I chuckled a bit. "So we can either do it now and wrap it up or we can go to the hospital and put you on drugs to make you fall asleep then we can do it. Which one do you want?" She asked.

"You can do it now, I won't feel any pain. It doesn't really hurt" I said casually. "It doesn't hurt? But it's almost poking out the other end? And you feel nothing?" She said confused.

"Nope, I've been through a lot of pain so now I'm used to it in a way so it doesn't hurt" I smiled.

"Wow, you're very strong, I like strong men" she said then winked at me. "Damn George, you be pulling all genders!!!" Quackity joked.

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