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Unaware of what is waiting for them inside.

💠Author's Pov-

They all went inside the castle. Slowly taking every steps, they felt some strange vibe inside the castle. As they passed through the long hallway, each passing second felt like a ticking bomb.

Finally they were in the front of the large door infront of them, which lead to the KING. And on top of that something or more specifically SOMEONE else was waiting for them too.

After they inhaled a deep breath, guards opened the door on their signal to the throne room.

They didn't dared to make even a small eye contact with the KING and bowed in gratitude

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They didn't dared to make even a small eye contact with the KING and bowed in gratitude.

"LOOK WHO WE HAVE HERE ? The Power hands of the HELL WORLD."

They shoot their heads up listening the familiar voice of none other then NICK and along with him there was JORDAN too.

They got confused that what is he doing here and also angry at the same time because of what NICK just blabbered in front of the KING.

JUNGKOOK was about to burst his anger out but before he do that SUGA did.

SUGA : "Let the dogs bark JUNGKOOK, if we will talk to them then the only thing they will do is their only job which is barking......so, it's just a waste of time, and our time is surely most precious then theirs......RIGHT GUYS ?"

SUGA savagely answered while smirking looking at NICK'S bewildered face. Listening to SUGA all the other members burst out laughing and agreed with SUGA.

After a while they all got silent and waited for the KING to say something.

KING : "OKAY enough now !...... I want all the seven of you to follow me. " KING ordered to them and they all nodded and bowed to him before following him from behind.

KING knew why they were here because they've sent the letter of their arrival beforehand and asked the KING for private conversation between them only and no any other person of the castle involved in it.

That's why the KING asked them to follow him to his secret room about which no one in the castle knew even the KING'S head minister who took care of everything in the castle didn't knew about it at all.

The reason why he was taking them to that place was because first of all JUNGKOOK was soon to be the KING and even if he looses the fight. Still this place will be hidden. No one will ever be able to find it.

Secondly he trusted them than anyone else in this castle.

They entered in the hallway leading to KING'S private office. There is the way for the secret room. Everyone in the castle including KING'S minister knew that they will have there conversation in their private office but who knew the KING had other plans. So as per KING'S order no one was in the hallway to the office and were informed to not disturb him for 2-3 hours.

Darker Then Hell || JJK ff Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt