6. Scared

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I was stunned at my place that I can't even feel my body move. I was continuously staring at him again without realising and didn't noticed he was coming towards me. In a blink of an eye he was right here standing in front of me. I got startled when he offered his hand and made me get up from the floor.

'I FELT SOMETHING' I thought and looked at his eyes as his whole face was still covered with his mask. Idk if it was true or it's just my mind creating scenes but I felt a spark pass through when he touched my hand.

'Oh no no it's just my mind, there's nothing like this. JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF IT' I thought to myself and that's when I looked at our hands and then back to his eyes.

I quickly withdrawed away my hands from his realising I was holding a stranger's hand for too long. He was continuously staring at me like he was trying to read my face or something. It was getting quite awkward so I started a small conversation to cut this thick air between us-

"Umm...... thankyou soo much for your help." I said and bowed to him about 90°, but he just nodded and was about to leave from here. But I stopped him idk why but I wanted him to speak, I wanted to listen to his voice. But nothing came out of my mouth after he turned to listen to me. It made such an embarrassing moment that I just want to throw myself away and never get back here.

"Uhh...umm n-nothing sorry!" I awkwardly said to him and looked down not wanting to make any kind of eye contact with him.

"Don't wonder around during late night it's not safe." He said and I quickly looked at his face more like eyes. Then he said something which got me shocked and also happy-

"Ig you are looking for a job, don't you ?" I was out of this world just by listening to his deep voice but soon got back when he asked me that. I nodded in agreement but confused as well that how does he knows that ?

"Well I have this cafe named XXX, we are looking for a worker. I hope you won't mind working for us ? If you agree then let me know, this is our card if you're ok then come to this address given in the card at sharp 10am." He said and I quickly nodded smiling and then he left from there I was beyond happy that I totally forgot about the incident held earlier.

I turned around and picked up the door keys and while dancing I hoped in my house. Idk why I was so happy maybe because I finally got a job, shrugging it I went to my room and did my night routine and jumped on the bed.

I was continuously thinking of that guy in mask I really felt some aura when I was around him and now when he's not here with me I don't fell anything. 'WHAT WAS THAT?'
I thought to myself and fell asleep.

"I found her finally! ALEX ask all the hyung to be in the castle for a meeting asap I'll be there in a few." He ordered his assistant ALEX and went to his pet-

"Hey RIGEL you did a nice job my son, Daddy's proud of you. I'm gonna give you a great treat later, for now let's go and let our QUEEN have her sleep." He said while patting RIGEL'S body.

RIGEL is a white wolf Y/N saw earlier and he is my pet more like my son.

RIGEL is a white wolf Y/N saw earlier and he is my pet more like my son

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