"Marcello, ora non è il momento di divertirti. Dopo aver risolto, puoi ridere." Federico ha cercato di rimproverare.

"Marcello, now is not the time to be amused. After this has been resolved, you can laugh." Federico tried to reprimand.

"They are frightened, reluctant to participate, and they think that if they stand up against any one of us, they'll risk everything as they also think it would become overwhelming and impossible to control. It pains me to say this, but you are no longer thee most feared mafia lord, the Russians are. Unless you want me to make an example of our allies as well." I suggested of him.

"Fuck!" I could a glass cracking on the other end of the phone as my father yelled profanities.

"Stop smashing my glasses, Federico; those are pricey Russian antiques! additionally, is my son on the other end of the line? How is he doing?" Verona asked, over the phone as additional mirrors broke, making my mother giggle.

"If you must know, they are genuinely Italian, and by the end of the day, I want my mirror replaced." Verona chuckled.

"I'll deal with your little act later love; your son and I are talking about serious things right now." Father locked the door and I could still hear her laughter.

"Are our allies working with the Russians now?" He asked a query.

"They appear to be extremely scared of them to the point of dying merely to keep the Russians a secret, though I haven't been able to confirm whether or not they are cooperating with them. I gave an explanation of what I've been able to see thus far.

"Fuck!" Given how much of a trigger-happy man he was, the fact that my father was starting to grow angry was never a good sign.

"How massive do you believe they are in numbers, son, on a scale of one to ten?" Federico asked.

"I can't say with certainty, but based on everyone's response that I've encountered thus far, they might be relatively significant, which is why I believe we need to reassemble..." My father disconnected from me once more.

"Have you discovered the whereabouts of the Russians that are skulking around Asentrix?" He asked a query.

"In some ways, no and in some ways, yes. I'm also not sure if they know where we are and, if they do, they might easily cause my men and I great harm in which case it would be best to regroup and plot..."

"Would a hundred men be sufficient for you?" My father interrupted me just as I was about to say something else, and I moaned in agony at his words.

I was actually starting to think that nothing I said to my father would make him change his mind—he simply wanted his container and the Russians dead—and I knew that it would have been very difficult to persuade him to see things my way.

"I'm not really aware what we're going up against, so how am I meant to send my men into battle? Compared to my soldiers and their weapons, their armaments are quite advanced, according to information I've received. Am I supposed to mislead them and say that we're going to win when in truth it's the actual opposite?" I expressed my displeasure.

"Asentrix was the last location I imagined the Russians would want to conquer, but I've been hearing reports for a while about them looking for a new territory to inhabit in and conduct business in." He stopped before further continuing.

"I'm sending a hundred soldiers, Dimitri, and I'll also be doing a lot of research on these Russians to make sure you completely understand their strategies before you engage in combat with them." My father had an idea.

"For the time being, I advise maintaining discreet while also gathering further details." Federico instructed.

"As you please." Although it wasn't the news I was hoping to hear, it was still much better than confronting an army I didn't know and putting my soldiers in harm's way.

"There are rumours that you have a new girlfriend. Sofia herself told me about it after hearing about it from one of your men. There is trouble knocking on your door, Dimitri." My father chuckled.

"The woman of whom you talk is not my woman,"

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to break the bad news to your mother. From what I've heard, she's quite beautiful as well, and I understand you've decided against hurting her after she saw you kill someone. She has also been residing in your bedroom for a significant amount of time; you must have done some testing. Tell me, is she not good in bed?" Father asked eagerly.

"I haven't experimented with her, and I don't intend to experiment with or become emotionally attached to her."

"What a shame. Due to Sofia's recent attacks on three of my men, I've been forced to put her on time out. You are aware of what that entails for you, I'm sure." I moaned in aggravation as my father continued.



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