Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say that ITEOTW will be updated AT LEAST every Monday :D 

Chapter 2


I love my family dearly, but I needed some space. Rowan wouldn't stop bugging me about a mistake that I made during training. Going for a long walk was the only way that I would get away from him; he'd be far too distracted by chores. He had procrastinated to the point that he was doing last week's work.

The leaves on the trees were lush and green. The dirt under my trainer-clad feet was soft and untouched. Little ants went about their usual work, gathering food for their families. I liked to stop and watch them, taking the time to notice how quick they were scurrying. They were rather cute.

The forest was a place of peace for me. It was far from my home and far away from people. The walk wasn't too far after a thirty-minute-long bus journey, and it was definitely worth it every single time.

The path I favoured ran across a stream. It always calmed me down when I was feeling aggravated, which seems to be my default emotion. The air was warm, despite it being late in the day.

Today I was going a different route. I was too frustrated to visit my specific spot by the water, I wanted to go somewhere I hadn't been before. The path that I had found was like any other, but not as defined. I wanted to pay attention to every step, in fear of stepping into holes or bumping into trees.

The silence was unnerving, but what was more unnerving was the fact that it wasn't complete silence. The forest never was, there was always a creature lurking in the shadows or the wind making branches hit whatever's nearby. Distinct footsteps met my ears, before the cause came into my line of sight.

There was a man, he had curly brown hair and was walking mindlessly. He walked slowly towards me. He wore simple clothing, much like me, typical attire for a walk in the woods. He stared down at the space in front of him, watching his feet.

"Hello," I said whilst putting my hands in my pockets.

The man's head snapped up towards me, where I could see all his features much clearer in the fading light. He had a sharp jawline, and his fair skin was flawless. One feature which captivated my attention was those caramel brown eyes which did not stare back at me.

"What's a person like you doing in the woods?" I wanted confirmation of my suspicion. His eyes didn't find me at all, even though I was standing right in front of him.

"A person like me?" He tilted his head in a rather adorable manner, he looked like a puppy who wanted to know what kind of food was in their owner's hand. "What makes me any different to you?" I breathed deeply through my nose. His tone was slightly rude, but I didn't blame him for that. Despite being stereotypically polite, Britain wasn't the nicest when it came to conversations with strangers. You never knew who you would bump into, especially in a place so secluded.

I continued to step towards him. "I'm here for a walk. It's quite late for someone to be out by themselves." His jaw clenched. A small smile worked its way onto my lips. I didn't mean to antagonise him but nothing that I said was false.

"You are." He didn't look at me as I approached either. His voice was strong, and his back was straight. He was on guard. "You're on private property."

"There's no notice to say that I can't be here," I pointed out in a tone which was far more arrogant than I had intended. "I come here often, how come I haven't been stopped before?" I hadn't been on this path before, but I had been to the woods many times. Surely the entire woods would be private property, not just a small path?

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