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A/n: I will be taking requests so please give me some.
TW: child abuse/mention of child abuse

POV: Mattolomule

I walked down a dirt path towards Hexside. I started going there again after the whole 'Bria' thing. As I walked I kicked at the dirt, sending small clouds of dust into the air.

As I get closer to the school I hear talking and laughing in the distance. It makes me scowl. I've never really had any friends. Well not until after the whole graveyard thing with Gus- I mean Augustus. Why would I call him Gus. We're not even friends, or are we?

My head was a bees nest of thoughts when a voice suddenly sliced through them.

"Hey Matty!" Augustus' voice rang out.

They walked side by side up the steps, heading in the same direction since I had joined the illusion track.

"Please don't call me that." I tensed up.

"Ok. What about..." he looked up, thinking. "Matt!" He snapped his fingers.

I shrugged. "Sure."

We walked into the illusion track homeroom. Augustus went to go talk to the teacher so I sat down by myself at a table. I pulled out my sketchbook and started doing simple doodles with a blue pen.

Gus sat down next to me, the wood bends made a noise.

"Hello Augustus." I looked at him. His brown eyes sparkled with exited energy. He was kinda cute- no, I meant he just looked really good right now. Titan, that's not any better.

I felt I slight blush dust my ears so I pulled up the hood (I don't know what it's called) on the uniform.

"Please call me Gus. When you say my full name you sound like my dad." He faked a shiver.

"Ok, Gus."

Class started and I had went back to sketching. This class was surprisingly interesting so I wasn't really focused on what I was drawing.

When I looked down at my sketch book I saw I had drawn me with a thinking bubble above my head. It was actually kinda good, I thought to myself. Once I looked closer at the thinking bubble I saw a tiny Gus surrounded by hearts.

I ripped the page out quickly turning to Gus to make sure he didn't see. From what I saw, he was daydreaming and never saw him on the paper. I folded the paper then put it in my pocket.

Class had ended and we went our separate ways. My mind was still racing though. Did I like Gus. No. For sure not. Right?

POV: Gus

(The classes went by and it's now lunch.)

I had a tray in my hand and went to go find a place to sit. That's when I found Matt sitting by himself, looking lonely.

I sat down across from him and started talking.

I saw a note slip out of Matt's was folded so I could only see half. It was him standing I think, I could only see from his nose down.

"Matt, you dropped your drawing." I informed him.

He dove under the table and grabbed it.

"You didn't see it, right?" He asked nervously.

"Only half." I shrugged. It wasn't that big oh a deal.

"Which half." He asked while starting to get up.

"The part with you standing."

"That's it?" His shoulders tensed.


He sighed and got up. He then hit his head on the bottom of the table.

"Titan." He grumbled while rubbing the back of his head. I giggled and when I looked at him, he was blushing. Once he noticed I saw he quickly got up.

"I've got to go." He mumbled.

POV: mattholomule

I walked home from school alone down the same dirt path. Once I arrived at the stair to my house, I could hear yelling and crying coming from inside.

My parents were fighting again. I wonder why they don't just get a divorce. Something glass broke inside and just as I was about to turn around to leave the door flung open. My brother, Steve, stood at the doorway.

"Mattholomule?" He questioned.

I mentally stabbed him because one second after she said that my mom appeared behind him.

"MATTOLOMULE GET IN HERE!" She screamed at me.

I tensed up and reluctantly followed.

~~~time skip~~~

I sat in my room crying. Why was my mom like this. A knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts. Steve slowly cracked it open and let himself in.

" I'm sorry for letting her know your there but you need to get out of this place."

"What do you mean?" I sniffled.

"Stay at a friends or something." He seemed stressed so I agreed and called the one friend I had.

"Hey Gus." I waved at him through my scroll.

"Oh my titan Matt. What happened?"

"I'll tell you later but-" I got cut off by his voice.

"No. Your going to tell me right now where you got a black eye and cuts from." He crossed his arms.

"Fine." I sighed. "So my mom is kinda not the best and she may have hit me." I fiddled with my thumbs. "I was also wondering if I could stay at your house tonight so I can get away from here?"

"Of course you can! Come right over and you can stay as long as you need." He kindly said.

~~~time skip again~~~ (sorry)

I arrived at Gus' house and knocked on the door. His face appeared and let me in.

He led me up to his room and made me sit on his bead so he could clean the cuts on my face.

My mom had hit me with a broken wine bottle. She had been drinking again. She and my dad were always drinking. Steve was mostly away at the palace so I was by myself. My dad was always worst with punishment though. He would beat us till we begged for him to stop.

"What made all these scratches?" Gus questioned as he inspected my face.

"Broken glass." I answered, trying my best to sound calm.

Gus just had to push even further though. "From what?" He asked me.

"A wine bottle." I decided it would be best not to lie.

Gus had gotten me an ice pack for my eye and had put bandages over every cut.

As he was placing the last one on my forehead I realized our heads were awfully close together. I blushed red, really red. Gus seemed to notice too. That only made me blush more.

"Do you like me?" The question slipped out of my mouth. "Like as more than friends." I hesitated.

I saw his eyes flick friend my eyes to my lips. He suddenly kissed me. It wasn't very long but I still enjoyed it. After Gus moved back we were both blushing, a lot.

"I think I like you Matt." He said pushing a hair behind my ear.

"I think I like you too Augustus."

A/N: omg I'm so sorry this is so bad but umm ya. Please give me better ideas.

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