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A/N: sorry I haven't been updating but I have a few unfinished story's that I'm working on so you should start expecting updates every week or two

Gus POV:

I kicked a bottle cap that was lying on the road and picked it up. On it was a brand I didn't know but I assumed it was beer due to the fact that an empty beer bottle lay a little father down the path.

"Help!" A sudden and unknown voice shrieked from behind the building next to him.

I rushed around the corner and pulled out my palisman, ready to fight.

A helpless shopkeeper was lying on the ground, a masked stranger hold a knife stood overtop of them.

"Stop." I demanded. He hoped they knew who is was because luzs adventures were stressing like the flu and almost everyone on the isles knew of them.

"What do you want kid." A raspy female voice threatened through her mask.

"Leave them alone." I casted an illusion spell around the alleyway to make it appear and if she was trapped. Even though there was an open door beside her that she could still escape from I prayed she hadn't noticed before.

The hooded figure raised their hands and dropped the knife. I didn't think they would give up so easily.

I helped the shopkeeper up and they dusted themselves off.

"Thank you kind sir." They thanked me.

"Watch out!"

A steering pain went through my side. I mistakenly had my back to the masked criminal and they had thrown a knife at me.

A looked over to my side and saw a knife digging into me side.

My vision swirled and I fell to the ground. The shopkeeper put their arms on my shoulders and shook my.

I wanted to ask them to stop but I couldn't bring my self to talk. It felt as if I was underwater and my vision went black.

           Matt POV:

Ring ring ring

I sat up in bed and grabbed my scroll from my bedside. It was Gus. I smiled, I was very fond of the other witch and couldn't image my life without him.

"Hey Gus." I practically smiled into the phone.

"Hello. Mattholomule is this you." Gus's dad, Perry was on the other line.

"Hello mister porter." I got up and sat at my desk. "Is something wrong."

"Gus is in the hospital."

"What!" I jumped up. Gus couldn't be in the hospital.

"Thank you for calling my sir I'll be right there." I thanked perry and hung up. my voice shook and I rushed to put on some cloths before racing out of the house.

I never really needed a palisman before because Gus would take me anywhere I wanted to go. Now was one of the few times that I wish I had one.

I did stop sprinting until I reached a tall building with the healing coven digit marked on the front.

I pushed the glass door open and saw gus's dad pacing in front of a row of empty seats.

"Is he ok?" I ran up behind mister porter and stopped to catch my breath.

"They can't be sure yet. Apparently it's bad but I wouldn't know cause they won't let me see him." He grumbled clearly annoyed with the healers but knowing that their also just doing their jobs.

Gustholomule oneshots <3  (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang