Meeting steve

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A/N: I'm back! I know I was gone for moths but I'm finally mentally stable enough to continue these kinds of things. I was in the hospital for while but I'm better now.

A/N: also I'm sitting on the floor of my hotel in Hawaii and it's currently 2:43 am but that's not important. What is important is gustholomule, so here it is!

POV: Gus (kinda) (3rd person)

Gus tapped his fingers against the windowsill as he waited for Matt to arrive. They were going to a tester at for dinner and Matt's brother was coming. Gus chewed at his nails, he hadn't met Steve before. What if he didn't like Gus and him and Matty had to break up. No, that would never happen.

A knock interrupted his swarming bees nest of thoughts.

"I'll get it!" He called out to his dad as he raced to the door.

Gus opened the door and Matt waved, smiling.

"Are you ready?" Matty bounced on his heels.

"Of course!" Gus held Mattolomule's hand. "Dad! I'm going out." He called once again.

"Be back before dark. I heard later tonight there might be some boiling rain so hurry if you can." His dad answered.

"Got it!" Gus said before closeting the door.

"Come on!" Matty led Gus excitedly to the doors of the restaurant.

It was surprisingly close to Gus's house. It was a small brick shop with a large glass window filled with advertisements. There was a small red door on the corner with an 'open' sign hanging up. They pushed open the door and a bell jingled.

Together they weaves through the tables. Gus followed Marty's lead towards a table that had one person sitting.

Is that a coven guard? Gus though.

"Steve, this is Gus." Mattholomule gestured to each of them. "Gus, this is Steve."

They exchanged awkward greeting as Matt and Gus slipped into the booth.

They got settled right before a server had come to there table.

"Hello! My name is Stephane and I will be serving you today. What would you like to drink?" A girl with bright orange hair clicked her pen.

"I'll have a coke please." Steve told her.

"Can I have a lemonade?" Mattholomule asked.

"Of course." The server scribbled on her notepad. "And for you?" She gestured at Gus.

"Oh. I'll just have water, thanks." He hesitated.

Matty grabbed Gus's hand and squeezed it affectionately. Gus flashed matt a smile and intertwined their fingers.

"So." Steve sighed. "Your the boy who's going out with my brother."

Gus nodded, scared to talk.

"Mattholomule? Do you like him?"

"Of course! Why would we date if we didn't like each other." Mattholomule snickered.

"Ok." Steve layer back.

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