Chapter 31

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We decided–well they decided, to come to Hooters after a light practice and watching film. I'm not surprised that my teammates chose to eat here and honestly, I could care less. I just want to eat a cheeseburger and fries.

I probably would've soaked all of this attention up a year ago, but not so much now. Our waitress is a fake blonde with huge tits. Her dark roots and dark eyebrows are throwing off the look she's going for, but she still bats her long, fake eyelashes at each one of us; her arms behind her back so you can really get a view of her chest. She gives each guy a sultry smile as they read off their order.

I watch as her skin turns red from the attention my teammates are giving her. When she finally walks away to grab our drinks, Ryan, our hurt quarterback speaks. "I wonder when her lunch break is. I just need 10 minutes with her in the bathroom." And the rest of the team bursts into fits of laughter like the childish little shits they are.

"These bathrooms are fucking gross." Parker pointed out. "Bathrooms are gross period."

"Who cares? She has nice tits."  Austin said earning an elbow from his mom. I don't know why the hell she's here eating with us, it's weird as fuck.

I asked her why was her attendance necessary in which she said that she's sponsoring a bunch of our players.

That still isn't a reason for her to be at Hooters with us. We don't need a chaperone.

The guys continue acting like a bunch of childish and horny high schoolers as the other waitresses eye our table as they walk by. 

"Who's gonna ask for her number?"

I groan. "Grow the fuck up."

I watch as a mischievous smirk takes over Jett's face. "Cade can care less. He only has eyes for his girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend." I defend. Although all of the time we spend together is more than just friendly, and she's not a 'hookup and that's it' type girl, there's no label on us. I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet.

"Seems like it. You guys are inseparable." Austin mocked.

"Oh yeah? Inseparable like you and Chloé?" Jett teases, laughing and that is all it takes for Austin's mom to perk up. Confusion takes over her face as she turned to look at Austin.

Austin and I glare at him as I run an aggravated palm down my face. That is all it takes for his mom to get all the information she needed so she can start her investigation on Chloe's life to see if she's rich enough for her son.



To say I'm nervous about this game is an understatement and I'm never worried on game day. I'm usually confident in myself and my team, but everyone's head is elsewhere.

In practice yesterday Austin missed numerous blocks, causing Jett to get sacked or pressured. I knew right away that his mom had got into his head.

But there's nothing I can say to a grown ass man. He has to stand up to her on his own.

Practice went so bad yesterday that instead of watching film this morning we had another light practice.

We're in the locker room before the game starts and I can't focus on what the coach is saying because I'm mesmerized by the good luck picture Autumn sent me. I've been looking at it since we left the hotel and at this point I agree with Austin, I am down bad.

I quickly filter through the good luck texts from my family's group chat, I don't bother opening Alana's message with a picture attached, I just delete the thread and place my phone inside of my gym bag.

My gaze flickers over to Austin. He's in a daze. I want to ask him what has his mom said to him. I want to ask if he's talked to Chloé. The best thing he can do right now is to be honest with his mom, himself, and her to save himself a headache.

I doubt he'll be honest with Chloé though even though he should get ahead of his moms shenanigans.

Chloé can be super scary, she'll tear Austin and his mom a new asshole.


Palms slap against my helmet and my ass as my teammates celebrate my late interception and touchdown that brought us to victory.

I let them celebrate and jerk me around because I'm not excited one bit, I'm pissed.

I clench my jaws as I search for Austin through the now crowded football field. I spot his damp light brown curls, his head hung low with his helmet tucked beneath his arm, heading towards the locker room.

I make a move towards him when a reporter stops me.

She's around my age for sure, slender and tall, with tortoise shell glasses. "Do you have a minute, Butler?" she sounds unsure of herself, like she had to muster up the courage to approach me. I can tell she's shy. The scowl on my face disappears and I give her a small smile.

I nod at her to begin. "This was Alabama's lowest scoring game of the season," she pointed out. "how did you lock in to make sure you brought your team to another victory today?"

"I knew that our offense was struggling against their defense, so I continued to play hard as well as the others on our defense. A win is a win and that is what we came here to do."


Austin is avoiding me.

Like the man-child he is.

He played like shit yesterday and the only reason I'm going to let it go is because we still won. His mom left this morning and he hasn't come out of his room. I doubt that he's even responded to Chloé since his mom found out her full name.

Also, Autumn has been busy doing activities on campus with her dads girlfriend. I miss her and just want to inhale her sweet scent and kiss her soft skin. I need to occupy myself before I say screw it and go find her on campus like a lovesick puppy.

I'm avoiding the homecoming week activities on campus because we have our homecoming game this Friday, followed by a halloween party Saturday. I want to be well prepared for the homecoming game so we don't lose, especially in front of our home crowd; so, I make my way onto the field and set up the football throwing equipment.

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