Chapter 7

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Whataburger's lobby is filled with drunk or high college students

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Whataburger's lobby is filled with drunk or high college students. Loud chatter fills the air along with the aroma of fries, burgers, and a hint of marijuana.

All I can focus on is the grip I have on Cade's bicep as we walk to a booth towards the back. His arms are muscular and hard. His entire body is full of muscle. I'm basically drooling over this stranger and the liquor flowing through my body isn't helping.

I appreciate him for giving me a ride and stopping for food before we make it to the destination; but, I'm annoyed with myself. I was annoyed seeing a gorgeous girl on his side. I'm annoyed that I am now alone with him not even 30 minutes after he was with another girl.

He came to the party with, why didn't he leave with her? Did they hook up before the night was ended by cops? Am I his next target for the night or semester?

I roll my eyes and try to focus on the food in front of me. 

The burgers here are immaculate.

I should come here more often when I'm drunk.

I'm pulled from my annoyance and thoughts when Cade finally speaks.

"I don't think I know your name."

"Autumn," I say rolling my eyes.

"Is this the thanks I get for taking you on a date?" He smirks before laughing lightly.

"In your dreams." I say crossing my arms across my chest. Mostly because it's a bit chilly in here. I sometimes feel like restaurants and fast food places purposely keep the temperature freezing, so that people won't stay inside to eat very long.

"Definitely. especially with those fuck me heels you chose to wear for me tonight."

My skin heats up as I try to divert my gaze elsewhere while fighting the smile that threatens to spread across my face. He's straight forward and clearly teasing me because it amuses him.

"They are just normal heels, asshole." I glare at him before snapping at him again. "You have a girl, whether y'all are hooking up or casually dating, yet you're here flirting with me."

"I do?" His face is filled with confusion and irritation. His thick eyebrows are furrowed causing a small wrinkle to appear in between them.

"Oh please. She was practically sitting on your lap, I'm not buying that there's nothing going on between you two." I say aggressively eating a French fry.

I eat when I'm frustrated, which probably isn't a sight to see right now. I'm drunk, frustrated, I'm sure I look like a pig. How flattering.

"Alana isn't my girlfriend, but you're right, we do in fact hook up for time to time."

I look up at him but my words are caught in my throat. Cade stands up and stretches before offering me a hand. I place my small hand in his as he pulls me to my feet. His hands are huge and rough, I could just imagine them elsewhere.

The liquor is definitely talking.

"You don't know how to hold a normal conversation, do you?" He asks but doesn't give me time to respond. "I've been trying to talk to you, normally, since our first encounter. But you always cut me off or run away. After tonight you won't have to worry about that anymore if that makes you uncomfortable."

"I- I didn't mean to come off that way."

He raises an unimpressed brow before walking us towards the exit.

I didn't want to come off as a bitch. I'm an over thinker and emotional. And that tends to land me in awkward situations. A situation I don't want to be in with him or anyone else.

My overthinking is in full force. Jordan called me all sorts of names when he was mad or being manipulative. Cade didn't call me any names but he might as well have. He insinuated it, right? That I was a bitch? I jumped to conclusion I always cut him off and I assume the worse from everyone. How could a stranger think that way of me? It must be true. He could see right through me already.

I shake my head. I want to literally face palm myself. He didn't call me selfish or a bitch, yet I felt like he did. I don't know how to have fun anymore. Or just go with the flow without assuming things.

I force my legs to make their way outside. This ride home with him was going to be painful.

I knew I should've drove.

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