Chapter 25

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We're still in the library

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We're still in the library.

This session had turned into a homework session instead. We worked on our work together until her stomach growled. I grabbed sandwiches and now we're back in the study room.

She's sitting on top of the table in front of me swinging her little legs.

"I can't wait to see my dad and Lucille." she beams. I smile at her.


She places her half eaten muffin down before fiddling with her hands, something I noticed she does when she's nervous. I take the time to look at her features while she's debating whether or not she wants to open up again. Her tan skin is perfect, even and smooth and blemish free. Her plump lips, the light freckles by her nose. The way she scrunches her nose when she's deep in thought is the cutest thing ever.

When she told me about her ex boyfriend, I listened but I was angry. I wanted to find him and kick his ass and maybe even break him limb by limb. How could someone treat someone so beautiful and kind, like shit? It pissed me off because someone as small and sweet as she is, didn't deserve that.

"Lucille has been in my life since I was 9 years old." she explained. "The short version of it, my mom abandoned my dad and I when I was just 3 years old. They had me young, right after high school, my dad still went on to become a doctor so when his schedule got hectic, he had to get a babysitter for me and hired Lucille."

I feel there's a way to make a way no matter what, which is what her dad did. He didn't abandon his responsibilities, instead he dealt with the consequences of having a baby young and still became successful. How could a woman abandon a baby she carried for months?

"She's missing out. That's definitely her loss because you're an amazing person. The people who know you are extremely lucky to have you in their life."

I watch as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink at my words. She's so damn cute. "You're still innocent and shy after what I did to you?" I throw a wink at her and she covers her face as her cheeks turn red. She playfully pushed my shoulder mumbling a little "shut up".

Being around Autumn is therapeutic. It's only been a hand full of hours but I'm not on my phone constantly reading messages from my mom, wasting away in my room, or being an asshole to my roommates. I haven't been looking at articles or posts in dedication to my sister, I hate to admit, but indulging in those posts isn't a healthy habit of mine.

But I can't help it.

Autumn opened up to me easily, she says I'm easy to talk to. She's comfortable around me even when she tries to be rude to me. I learned that she is an only child. Her and her dad are extremely close which warms my heart to know that he stepped up to the plate because the other parent didn't want to take care of their responsibility. I can even get a little country side out of her since she's from Nashville. I can hear that southern drawl when she says certain words.

She yawns and rub her eyes. "Today would've been a good day for you to skip tutoring," she begins. "I had tests in all classes today, I am exhausted."

I would've let her rest if I would've known that she had been up all night studying. This only makes me feel more of an asshole because I didn't have the guts to text her and check on her.

I go to tuck a strand of thick brown hair behind her and she closes her eyes as she leaned into my touch. I let my free hand slide up and down her thigh as a I pull her to the edge of the table. I nuzzled her neck with my nose before latching onto her neck with my mouth. She tilts her head to give me better access as her hand tangles in my hair at the back of my neck.

I begin to kiss up her jaw, but when I reach her lips she pulled away.

I frown up at her like a disappointed puppy.

"You're in the dog house." she says jumping down from the table and grabbing her bag. "Study session over." She sends a wink my way before leaving me in the empty room with a hard on.


I should kick Austin's ass for throwing a party after our win today. Sure, we're undefeated, but I'm exhausted and I don't have the energy to socialize or be around jersey chasers who can't tell the difference between a touchdown and a field goal. The only reason I am down here is because I'm hoping Autumn and her friends show up.

"You keep looking at the door." Austin pointed out.

"Fuck off." I say holding up my middle finger.

I don't point out the fact that he's watching the door too.

A group of drunk asses barge into the house stammering, knocking over a few things before finally making it into the kitchen where the alcohol is. "This house better be fucking spotless by morning." I say to Austin who rolls his eyes in response.

Austin likes to hire cleaners to come clean after party's since he's the one always hosting them, it's the fucking least he could do. We usually wake up in the morning to a house that looks brand new.

"Whatever, I'm going to the basement to play beer pong." he says clearly done waiting for Chloé to walk through the door. I give him a nod letting him know I'll join soon, as I head to the back for another beer.

I open the red and white cooler as I search through its contents for a beer. I reach for the BudLight as I hear the back door open then soft footsteps. I turn around and meet those doe brown eyes. Just the girl I've been waiting for. She's wearing a short, yellow fitted dress that hug her small curves and well worn converse. Her hair is down in waves tonight and she is effortlessly beautiful than ever.

I grab a White claw seltzer and hand it to her and she scrunched up her nose and gagged. "What kind of girl do you think I am? Hand me BudLight."

I chuckle at her as I rifle through the cooler again for her beer. I hand it to her and her small fingers linger for a second before she speaks again. "Good game today big guy."

I appreciate a girl that knows her sports especially one that is as good looking as her, which is rare. "Thank you, princess." I say as I watch a rosy hue cover her cheeks.  "Am I still in the dog house?" I sigh as I take her free hand in mine.

"One more beer for me and I won't be able to resist you."

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