54 | Going Home

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"Okay, time to get this little man dressed, he's good to go home, you too Alyssa" Your doctor came in, rolling the plastic bed in with your baby. You smile very big, excited to finally start your life at home with him. Tommy nods happily, getting the bag to get the outfit you brought for him. He puts the folded-up clothes on the bed, getting yours out as well. He walks around to the other side, pulling back the covers and helping you out your sore legs over the bed. Tommy helps you stand, guiding you into the small bathroom, bringing your clothes with him. He starts to undress your exhausted body, replacing the hospital gown with a t-shirt and yoga pants of yours. When you're done, he assists you back into the room, and you sit down on the bed. Tommy gets Charles out of his little bed and starts to dress him. You sigh happily, you and Tommy finally get to start a life with Charles at home.
"Michael, please go a little bit faster, people are getting angry" You giggle, amused by your husband's behavior. He smiles slightly "I don't care about the other people babe, our newborn baby is in the car," He says, speeding up a tiny bit "I know, she's getting fussy though" You were in the back, sitting next to Sophia. He pulls into the driveway getting out quickly before opening your side of the car. He helps you out, before grabbing the bag, and then Sophia's carrier "Let's go, babe" The bag is over his shoulder, and he takes your hand, giving it a slight squeeze. You open the door, and walk in, Michael behind you "Welcome home Sophia"
"Come on babe, let's go," John says, buckling George up into his carrier. A nurse brings in a wheelchair for you, and John helps you sit into it "Ready to go?" He asks. You nod, smiling at him. He picks up your bag and George's carrier. You make your way out of the hospital, breathing in the fresh air "Okay, you wait here, I'll get the car, okay?" He says and waits for your response to leave. He sets Hunter next to you and takes the bag with him "Be right back" You wait patiently, talking with the nurse that was waiting with you. When John came back, you said goodbye to the nurse, and John helped you up, your sore body aching. John grabbed George and led him to the car waiting for you. Helping you in and strapping the baby in place, you were on your way.
"Okay, now that they're asleep, do you need anything? Are you hungry?" He asks "Yeah, can you get me something to eat please?" You ask. You felt bad, he was doing all of this. But you had just had twins, so it hurt to move around. He nodded "What would you like?" He came over to the bed, and lay down next to you "Can we just order a pizza or something? I don't want to have to worry about anything right now" You ask "Sure, babe" After he called for the pizza, you decided the twins needed a tour around the house. You told Arthur, and he smiled, already helping you up. You took them to each room in the house, and then when the doorbell rang for the pizza, you both sat on the couch, babies in the middle of you.

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