23 | Wedding Night

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"I found another bottle" Tommy shouted, walking back into the bedroom. You giggled, selecting a song on your iPod. You ran your hands over the nightgown your friends had given you as a wedding present. Tommy walked in wearing the hotel bathrobe over just his boxes "Another drink Mrs. Shelby?" He asked smiling "Why thank you Mr. Shelby" You joked back. As he poured you a drink, he watched you out the corner of his eye "I can't believe you are my wife; after everything we have been through, you stayed" He whispered, not expecting you to hear him. You smiled and raised your glass to him "To us" You announced. He clicked his glass against yours before taking a drink "Oh I love this song" You said, turning up your iPod. Tommy laughed and started dancing away from you. You joined him, giggling at his moves. Whether it was the alcohol or the fact that you had the rest of your lives together; you were both happy and in love.
"I'll be back in a second," You said, kissing Michael's cheek and walking into the bathroom. You looked in the mirror admiring yourself in your wedding dress for the last time. You began to untie the dress and slide it down your body: You smiled as you remembered you were wearing the underwear Michael had given you before the wedding. You opened the door a little and saw Michael sitting on the bed, shirtless. He quickly looked up as you lent across the doorframe. His eyes traveled up and down your body. He stood up and grabbed your hips, kissing you. You put your hands around his neck, running your fingers through his hair. You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. His hands moved to your thighs, holding you up. With his lips on yours, he walked back to the bed. He tried to place you down gently on the bed, but he tripped and fell on top of you, making you both laugh "You're so beautiful" He whispered before kissing you again.
"Our ferry leaves early tomorrow," John said, walking into the hotel room "Can you tell me where we are going?" You whined. He chuckled, shaking his head "It's a surprise sweetheart, but trust me, you'll love it" He kissed your forehead and walked towards the bed. You sighed and slid off your shoes. As John took off his jacket and shirt, you couldn't take your eyes off his body. He turned around and saw you staring. You blushed, looking away "May I?" He asked pointing to your dress. You nodded as he began to slowly untied your dress. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. He let it fall to the floor, then kissed along your shoulder to your ear "You are so beautiful" He whispered. You walked towards the bed, looking over your shoulder, hoping he was following you. You lay down against the pillows, as John climbed on top of you, resting his legs on either side of your hips. He rested his forehead against yours, before kissing you passionately.
"Turn around baby," Arthur said, letting go of your hand. You slowly turned, your back facing him. He bit his lip as he started to unzip your dress. You blushed as you felt his warm fingers go down your back. He let the dress go, letting it fall to the floor at your ankles, leaving you standing in just your underwear "Come here gorgeous" Arthur said softly, sitting on the bed. He held out his arms for you. You smiled shyly and sat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck "Today has been amazing" You whispered, kissing him. He nodded, holding you close. He slowly laid down on the bed, pulling you down with him. You giggled and curled up to his side. Arthur rolled onto his side, so he was facing you. Your smile grew as your eyes locked with his. He began gently playing with your hair. You ran your finger lightly over his cheekbones and along his jaw; taking in every detail "I love you" You whispered "Forever and ever" He replied.

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