40 | He Loved...

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He loved the ultrasounds. Whenever you had a doctor's appointment, Tommy was excited to see his little man on the screen; even though it was a blurry grainy image, it made the whole thing a little more real.
His eyes fixed on the image, watching the baby's little movements and hearing their heartbeat. You would look up at him and smile; the look in his eyes showed you just how much he loved the baby growing inside you. He would always ask for multi copies of the photos, for the boys and his mum; telling you everyone needs to meet 'baby Charlie'.
He loved feeling the bump. Michael would run his hands over the curve of your stomach, hoping to feel a kick or movement from his daughter. You both have always enjoyed cuddling together and your pregnancy was no different. In bed at night, Michael would hold you close, his hand resting on your baby bump. But his favorite moments were when he runs you a bath at the end of a long day. He would sit behind you and let you lean back against his chest. As the warm water soothes your aching body, he would gently wash you, chuckling at your stomach picking out of the water.
He loved that you were having his baby. When you fell pregnant after months of trying, John couldn't have been happier. The whole idea of you being pregnant made him smile. You were giving him a baby; the one thing you both wanted since being married. He made sure he told you how lucky he felt and how he would treasure you both forever. He loved touching your rounded stomach and pressing soft kisses around your belly button. He would giggle when the baby moved towards him; letting their daddy know that they loved him as much as he loved them.
He loved your growing baby bump. You often found Arthur watching you, a small smile growing on his lips. His eyes fixed on your rounded stomach as he thought of the babies growing inside. He couldn't get his head around the idea that your body was carrying his child; two little Shelbys. Although he saw the two babies during an ultrasound, he still didn't understand how your body could expand as the babies grew. He loved taking photos to show the growth of your baby bump and when you grew too big for your clothes, he always let you wear his.

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now