52 | Meeting Your Families

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After Tommy and yourself had visited with Charles for about an hour, you both decided it was time for your families to meet the new addition. Tommy went out to get them, as they were sitting in the waiting room patiently. Tommy soon came back with your parent and Polly also. Their faces lit up when they walked into the room, seeing you holding your brand-new son. Your mum smiled, hugging Tommy first, and then walking over to you "He's a handsome little boy Alyssa" She says. You let her hold him and then told her to give Polly a turn along with your dad. Everyone loves him already, not even three hours old.
Michael was the happiest guy on earth right now. He wanted to show everyone his baby girl. Your parents came in, along with Sabrina and Barnaby. it wasn't too much for you, considering it wasn't crowded in the hospital room. You let Theo sit on the bed next to you, while Noel was being passed around to all the adults. When everyone had a chance to hold her, you held her again, letting Barnaby see her also "Here's your cousin Barnaby" Michael says, bending down to be eye level with the little boy. Barnaby looked at her "Give her a kiss?" He says. You laugh, and nod, bringing her up to his lips, as he kissed her on the forehead.
After you had held George for a bit of time, you were feeling like you were going to pass out. You hand him to John, and John held his son for about another half an hour before going to get your guys' parents. He let you sleep while they visited, telling them that you needed to rest. They understood, letting you be while they met their grandchild. Polly held him first, complimenting John, telling him that he did a great job creating George. You woke up about an hour later, and by that time all of your parents had held him except for your mom, who wanted to go last so she could hold him the longest "Hi darling" Your dad said, coming over to you and kissing you on the forehead "I can't believe my little girl had her little boy"
Both of your babies were sleeping, but you knew that when they were awake, they wouldn't be for long. You decided it was best for your parents to meet them now. Arthur's siblings stayed at home, they were coming up tomorrow as were your siblings. Polly walked in first, followed by your parents. You smiled, them congratulating you, and hugging each of them. They all wanted to hold your beautiful babies. You didn't mind, you had every day for the next eighteen years with them, even though you knew it would go by so fast.

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now