Chapter 45- The Date to Win The Monarch's Heart P1

Start from the beginning

Mukuro: That's well, not that great to hear about you being mad at Muku. But do you still love Muku?

Darren: Of course, I love you. I told you already, even if you erase the memories of the people I love about me. I will still love you.

Mukuro: You sound so flirty now Mister Darren-Kun. But, Muku as well! This is a bliss!

Mukuro: Loving and being loved by someone is such a wonderful thing.

Darren: (The things I said are not lies, I do love her. But I am a little bit angry at her.)

Darren: Hey, Mukuro.

Mukuro: Hmm? What is it? Darren-kun.

Darren: When you said that we were "close." What did you mean by that?

Mukuro: That's just how it feels. But if I had to say... After you held Muku and we fell while you used that infinity power of yours. I saw a strange dream.

Darren: "Dream?"

Mukuro: A dream about a lonely, young girl finding a family.

Darren: (Strange, I had the same dream. Could it be...!)

Mukuro: When Muku woke up, Muku wanted to see you for some reason.

Darren: That dream is--

???: SATORU!!

Darren: Hmm?

I turned around and saw Origami running at me at full speed. By the look on her face, I can tell that she was exhausted.

Origami: I finally found you! Satoru-San.

Darren: Origami? What are you doing here?

Origami: Long time no see, Satoru.

Darren: Are you this world's Origami?! After Shido, Kurumi and I changed history?! Are you that Origami?

Origami started walking towards us with a smile on her face.

Origami: Yup! Though it's weird saying, "Long time no see" considering the other me has been with you on a few missions.

Darren: I guess, you can say that if you want. But more importantly. ORIGAMI!! YOU REMEMBER ME?!

Origami: Of course! But the other me doesn't since she has all of her memories sealed.

Mukuro: I'm confused, but oh well. I'll just lock your memories again.

Mukuro: Micheal.

A key suddenly appeared on her palm while I yelled.

Darren: Mukuro, don't!

Origami: No! If you manifest your Angel, they'll find you!

Darren: Wait, "find you"? Who will find her?

 Suddenly White Queen appeared on a lamp post.

 Suddenly White Queen appeared on a lamp post

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The Monarch In Date A Live (Kurumi X OC X Harem) (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now