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"We need to get them back. Fia is ok, the only risk we have is ourselves. We are expertly trained though. I'm the best hacker we have. Miles is the best assassin and fighter. You are the mafia boss. We can accomplish this. I need my sister and brother back." I say calmly to Alessandro as Miles breaks down beside me, again. Alessandro looks at a loss for what to do. 

"If we go ourselves we might not think clearly as we will only be focused on her." He argues. 

"That's exactly how we should go! Only focused on getting our princess back!" I argue. 

Alessandro sighs. 

"Please Sandro. I need her b-back. I-I don't know w-what kind of pain she is being p-put through and I-I-I can't stand it! Please help me g-get her b-back." Miles sobs. Tears rise in my own eyes seeing my twin brother crying. I wrap my arm around him. Alessandro sighs, giving in. 

"Alright. I'll get our men ready. Those Russians are going to regret even thinking about our sister." He immediately starts making phone calls. He gets our mafia ready. He even calls the Greek and American mafias to help us. 

The Greek mafia is owned by Elias, one of Phoenix's older brothers. The American mafia is owned by Leonardo, our cousin. Alessandro then looks to me and Miles. 

"Milo, I need you to find their location as well as hack into every camera so we know how they have it set up as well as where our siblings are." He tells me. 

"Yes, Capo." I smile. 

"Miles, when we get there, you are our best assassin. I need you to take out as many people as possible as quietly as possible. We need to make sure they don't know we are there." He tells Miles. 

We both nod and immediately start to get ready. Within minutes, I have hacked into every camera except one. 

"I really hope this last one shows where they are hidden." I say quietly to myself before beginning to work on it. It takes a bit longer to get this one than the others, which is surprising. When I get it open I let out a loud gasp. All of my brothers who are in the room with me immediately look up. 

"What is it, fratello?" Alessio asks, but I can't bring myself to speak. A tear rolls down my face.

"Oh no. We have to go get them! NOW!" Miles screams when he sees the screen. 

"Why?" Luciano asks gently. 

"Those two men, they're Nathan and Sir. Those are the people she fears the most and they are with her." He explains. Everyone else comes to look at the camera. It shows our baby sister chained to the wall, naked, as she is being whipped. Two men, who Miles pointed out as Nathan and Sir, both hold a whip and take turns hurting her. She has blood running down her back, as well as in between her legs. Giving away that she was raped. She has cuts and bruises on her arms and legs. All that is shown of her is her back. I don't know what her front half looks like.

"I have the location. Let's go." I say quietly. Our brothers nod and we set off on our way to get her. We park about a mile away from their location in a building of our own as we wait for the Greek and American mafia to show up. It takes about five minutes before everyone is here. 

"Alright, we are splitting up into four groups for this mission. Group One will be led by me, Elias, and Leo. Group two will be led by Sebastian, Tobias, Ava, and Romeo. Group three will be led by Emilio, Emertio, Alessio, and Luciano. Our deadliest group, group four, will be led by Miles, Milo, and Phoenix." Alessandro explains the group leaders.

"Wait, why is the deadliest group the one led by all the kids? What mafia do they even belong to? I've never met any of them." One of the members of the American mafia asks. Alessandro goes to speak but Miles clears his throat. Alessandro nods for him to continue. 

"We are the deadliest group because out of everyone here, we would beat you all. I am the best assassin, fighter, and racer here. Milo is our best hacker and an easy third of the best fighters. Phoenix is the second best fighter and assassin. Me and Milo are from the Italian mafia. Not only are we members, Sandro is our brother. Phoenix is the Greek mafia princess. Do not doubt us." He says in a cold voice. 

"She's a girl, there is no way she is useful." Someone else from the American mafia says. Everyone in the Greek section immediately shout in rage.

"QUIET!" I shout. Everyone looks at me. 

"If you really think for a second that she couldn't beat you because she is female, I dare you to fight her if you even survive this." I laugh humorlessly. No one insults my childhood best friend. 

"If she's so good, why isn't she speaking?" The same man asks. I get ready to tell him off but Phoenix speaks up. 

"Because I wanted to see all the chaos when everyone found out I was a female kid and one of their deadliest leaders." She says, amusement lacing her tone. 

"Now, I'm sick of sexism. My girlfriend is there being hurt. We need to rescue her as well as my girlfriend's brother."

Everyone looks back to Sandro for him to tell the plan. 

"First of all, any more of those comments about kids or females not being good leaders and you will lose your life to the person you insulted. Now, the plan is group one will go to the main offices with all of the good information. Team two will be going around upstairs taking as many people out as they can. Team three will surround the outside and be our eyes, making sure there are no snipers. Team four will walk in stealthily and take everyone out from the ground level floor before going into the basement and getting my siblings. Team four has the most dangerous job because the ground level floor and the basement have the most people."

One man from the Greek mafia speaks up. 

"I mean this with total respect, but why are we sending the youngest among us to do the most dangerous part? I know what they are capable of, but is it really the best idea to send the Greek princess and the Italian Princes to do that part? What if they get caught?" He seems genuinely worried for our safety. 

"They can handle it. I have faith in them." Alessandro reassures. Everyone nods. With that, we head in to save our family.

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