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I wake up groggily and try to move, before realizing I am tied to a chair. I look around the dim room and see Blade still passed out, also tied to a chair. 

"Blade! Wake up!" I whisper in an emotionless voice. I know Blade isn't a heavy sleeper and I am proved right as he begins to stir. 

"Mila?" He asks softly when he sees me. I offer a reassuring smile. 

"Have you ever been captured before?" I ask him. He shakes his head. 

"Alright, what I need you to do is stay quiet. I will do the talking. Do not try anything. That will only make things worse."

He looks at me skeptically. 

"Won't that only get you hurt?" He asks. I smile. 

"Probably, but as you said, we are in this mess because of me. I will try my hardest to get you out of here unscathed. That is my apology to you for making our brothers unsafe." He shakes his head and opens his mouth to speak, but the door slams open and I mask my emotions. 

"Mila kitten. Hello." The man in the video says. 

"Sup?" I ask. He chuckles evilly.

"I see time with your brothers has made you think you are unstoppable." He says. I smirk. 

"I don't think I am unstoppable... I know I am." I say. Anger takes over his face and a loud SMACK is heard throughout the room. 

"Shall I bring in people who can really put fear into you?" He asks. 

"Actually I think you should introduce yourself and tell me all about your evil plan so I can inevitably escape..." I trail off. He laughs at me. 

"Of course, where are my manners?" 

"Clearly you have none." I shrug. His jaw clenches but he brushes it off. 

"I am Nikolai Ivanov. Don of the Russian mafia." I let out an over-dramatic yawn. 

"Is that all it takes for you to think you are dangerous to me? Ha! You don't know what kind of people I know." I giggle. He raises a brow. 

"Oh really?" He asks and I hum in response. 

"So I couldn't possibly know that your brothers are the Italian mafia, your girlfriend is the Greek mafia princess, your twin Miles is the best assassin and street racer, Milo is the best hacker, and you my dear-" He speaks but I cut him off. 

"I know what I am."

"Oh, are you scared for your family to know who you are?" He says. 

"What's he talking about Mila?" Blade asks curiously. I look at him with a blank expression. 

"Mila kitten, should I tell him or will you?" Nikolai asks and I sigh. 

"Neither of us will tell him. He doesn't need to know." I say coldly. Nikolai scoffs. 

"Scared he's going to hate you? Too late for that doll." I just shake my head. 

"I can't tell him. I don't have a plan yet." He smiles.

"Blade, do you want to know what this little slut is hiding?" Nikolai asks. I look at Blade, pleading with my eyes for him to say no, but it doesn't work. 

"Yes. I want to know what I am up against when it comes to her." He responds, not sparing me a glance. 

"Your little sister is my heir's mother." I look down at the ground. He's talking about Fiorenzo. Fia's twin brother who is older by an hour. I only ever saw him a few times, but he always recognized me. A man from Sir's gang took him to his father, but I never knew who their sperm donor was. I was allowed to meet him in a park once every six months. 

"W-what do you mean?" Blade asks, staring at me in shock. 

"Bring him in, Roman."

I look as a boy nearly identical to Fia walks in. 

"Mommy?" He asks. 

"Hey baby." I say softly. A small smile graces his face. 

"Father, may I hug her?" He looks up at Nikolai. Nikolai looks down at the boy. 

"You may." Fio walks up to me and gives me a gentle hug. 

"I've missed you." He whispers. 

"I've missed you too Bémpis." I smile softly at him.

"Will I get to meet Fia again? I saw her when she was here earlier. I bandaged her wounds and disinfected them." He says. 

"I don't know if you'll get to see her. I'm very proud of you for taking care of your little sister though. That was a very good thing for you to do." Fio smiles proudly. 

"Father said I shouldn't have, but she's my sister. I had to help her." I nod. 

"Alright Fiorenzo. Do you want to go back to your own cell or stay with your mother? She won't be in very good shape soon."

"I want to stay with my mommy." Fio says in determination. Nikolai nods. 

"If you stay I will be teaching you how to become a good leader." Fio looks at me nervously, knowing he will have to hurt me. 

"It's alright baby." He smiles a hesitant smile and nods to Nikolai. 

"Good. I will give you a little privacy to talk, before I bring guests in." Nikolai says before leaving. I look at Blade nervously. 

"When were you going to tell us that Fia had a twin?" He asks.

"When I knew where to find him and I had a logical plan to get him back. Even if I had told you guys, you wouldn't have known that Nikolai had an heir. He told no one. I knew that I had no chance of finding my boy until I knew who helped create him." I explain. Blade nods. 

"Does Miles know?" I nod. 

"Miles helped me deliver them. He fought for me to keep Fio when they took him away." Blade smiles sadly at me. 

"Luce del sole, I am so sorry. For everything. The names, treating you bad, ignoring you, just everything."


I look at my baby sister after apologizing. I really do feel bad. I've only treated her this way because I was afraid I'd lose her, but after seeing her hit, twice, I noticed that I can't just push her away. It broke my heart when she said that her taking pain for me would be her apology. I don't want her hurt. She has grown on me, and I pushed her away harder. I didn't want to get attached again, only for her to be taken. She is my Luce del sole. My sunshine. I would do anything to make it up to her. I will become a better brother. We just need to get out of here. Before she was taken I was the closest to all the triplets due to our close age range. It tore me apart when two of my siblings were taken. Even at a young age, I always felt a part of me was missing. My first memories are with them. 

It is then I decide that I will break us out, even if I lose my life trying.

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