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~Lightly Edited~

A/N~ Hi again my wonderful readers. How is everyone? I have a question, who is your favorite character? Let me know and I'll do a chapter in their POV for ya. I don't know whose POV you want to see so I'm just sticking to Mila for now until either you tell me someone or I get an idea that works best in someone else's POV. Also, I'd like to apologize for the last few chapters being pretty scattered. Thanks again for reading. Lots of Love~ Author.


I wake up at four am from a nightmare. I look to my side to see Phoenix already awake. 

"What's the matter, Love?" She asks. 

"Nightmare. Why are you awake?" I ask. 

"I'm too excited to sleep. I can't wait to see my princess again." She smiles. I nod. 

"Hey did you ever learn to fight?" She asks me. 

"No, Sir forbid it." She nods. 

"Well, he's gone now. Come on." She orders me. I smile and follow. We walk into the gym in the house. She leads me over to a mat on the floor. 

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"You are going to learn to fight. That man is gone now. His rules mean nothing." I smile. This is her way of helping me get over my fear of them. 

"Thank you." I say softly. She smiles. 

"It's no problem, Love, you deserve the world, and I'd be happy to give it to you." She then instructs me on how to stand. 

"You are going to want your feet this far apart. You know what, you have photographic memory, just copy my stance." She says. I copy her stance exactly. 

"Now everyone has a different stance, so, I want you to move around a bit until you feel like you are in a natural fighting stance." I do as she says. When I find a spot I'm comfortable in, I stop. 

"Good. Your fighting stance says a lot about you. Would you like me to explain what your's says?" 

I nod for her to continue. 

"Your stance shows that you know how to take a hit. It shows you've been through things and that you're prepared to fight back. It shows that you are done taking other people's crap. It shows you are ready to defend yourself and take over your own life. Most importantly your stance shows that you are strong and brave." She says, pride lacing her voice. I smile a big smile. 

"Well, let's help make my stance true." I say. She walks over to me. 

"It already is true, My Love." I stand straight and hug her. 

"I love you." I say quietly. 

"I love you too. Now, let's teach you the basics." 

She spends the next four hours teaching me things. By the end she says I could probably hold my own against a smallish opponent. She says that I learn pretty quickly and that in just a few weeks I might be able to take on one of my brothers.

"You have a strong punch. We just need to get you to put your body into the punch, not just your arm." She says as we walk out of the gym. I nod. 

"I'll try to remember that." I say. She nods. 

"Let's go down to breakfast. The sooner we eat the sooner we get Fia." After she says that I practically run to the kitchen where Alessio, Luciano, Alesandro, and Blade sit. 

"Eat up Sorella." Luciano says, handing me a plate of pancakes. He put at least three pancakes on my plate. I can't eat all of that... It's too much. I might get fat, then nobody will love me. I force a smile to him and walk to the table to eat. I manage to eat half of a pancake before my body stops letting me eat. 

"Is that all you are going to eat?" Alessio asks worriedly. 

"I-I'm full," I stutter out. 

"Eat more, that isn't enough." Alessandro orders. 

"I-I can't." I whimper. 

"NOW!" He screams at me. 

"Love, it's ok. You don't have to eat anymore." Phoenix says softly to me while glaring at Alessandro. 

"You do not decide what is or isn't enough for her." Alessandro says in a low voice. 

"Neither do you. Her body, her choice. She decides what's too little or too much. If she says half a pancake is enough, it's enough. She's full. She can eat more later. Here's something for you, she needs to build her appetite back up. She's been doing a good job. She eats three meals a day, every day. She's used to one meal a week, if that. She may not eat as much as most people her age, but that's because she's got a voice in her head telling her things that you guys can't imagine. So loosen up. Trust her judgments. She knows how much her body can take. If you force her to eat any more that what she's figured out she can take, she's going to throw it all up." Phoenix rants. Alessandro looks guilty after what she says.

"I'm sorry Bambina, I won't do this again." He promises and I nod. 

"We are going to go get dressed and wake the boys. They can skip breakfast we need to go get Fia." I say suddenly when a weird feeling hits me. Alessio nods, while everyone else looks at me confused. 

"What's the matter?" Luciano asks. 

"I just- I have a feeling that she isn't safe. I need to go get her." I say quickly running up the stairs to change. We get to my room and I shake the boys awake. 

"Get to the car. Now." I say shortly. They nod and head outside. Once I finish changing I run out to the garage with Phoenix. All the boys are there waiting. 

We get into the car and they drive as quickly as they can to the airport. Nobody says a word the entire ride. Once we get settled on the jet, it takes off immediately. I'm excited. I'm finally getting to see my baby again. I've missed her. She's so precious. 

"What's she like? Fia, I mean." Alessio asks, gaining everyone's attention. I smile. 

"She's the best. She likes cars, animals, and ice cream. She love playing dress-up if we have time. Her favorite animal is a fox. She says she wants one as a pet. One of these days I'm going to buy her one. Her favorite movie is Dumbo. She loves the water. One day I showed her a picture of the northern lights and she decided she wants to go with me to see them one day."

I spend the entire ride telling them about Fia. My little Panda. She got this name when she was born. She has a slight disfiguration, she has six fingers on one hand. Pandas have six fingers as well and I just decided to call her Panda. It's kind of stuck. She loves it. She said once before. 

"I mommy special Panda! Mommy loves me!" It was adorable. Soon enough the jet lands and we get into another vehicle to drive to Sofia's house.

Once we get there I knock on the door and Sofia's mom answers. 

"Back so soon?" She asks sweetly. I smile and nod. But then there is a loud bang and the sound of a little girl's screams reach my ears. Not just any girl... My Fia. I push past the lady and follow the screams to the kitchen. I am met with a sight I would have never expected...

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