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*No major changes, no need to re-read*

A/N~ The songs have no meaning to the chapters. They are just what I happen to be listening to when I start writing the chapter.


We follow Alessandro into his office, looking around as we go. Soon we are in a room decorated in grey and black. The only picture on the wall is of a family. There's a woman, a man, and seven children. The youngest three are still babies, giggling at the camera. Everyone else has a bright happy smile. Alessandro notices me staring at the picture. 

"That's all of us when you two were still with us, a week before you were taken from us."

"Where's our mom and dad?" Miles asks and I elbow his ribs. They could be dead. It's rude to ask. Alessandro gives a small smile. 

"They are away on a business trip. They will be back in a week." He states and I nod. 

"Now, I have brought you two here to discuss the rules of this house." We both nod and he continues. 

"One- We want respect, you respect us and we will respect you. If one of us is disrespectful to you, you don't have to be respectful to them. We aren't hypocrites."

"So... We can be disrespectful towards Blade if he is disrespectful first but do not immediately start with disrespect, or we can never expect respect out of him... Right?" I sign and Miles translates for me. Alessandro gives me an impressed look. 

"Exactly. Now number two- If you decide to go anywhere, ask one of us for permission, that way we know exactly where you are. Three- I'm not going to say no to any boyfriends or girlfriends, just don't let them get in the way of your school work. Four- Keep your room picked up, beds made, clothes off the floor, and so on. Also, if you make a mess anywhere in the house, pick up after yourself when you leave."

Miles and I nod to all of the rules. They're easy enough to follow. 

"Five- get decent grades and try your best. Lastly, six- We prefer eye contact and verbal responses. However, given Mila's situation, eye contact alone will work for her. Miles can translate for us if he is around, though we are going to try to learn sign language ourselves so we can understand and speak to her when he is not around." He rubs his forehead.

I nod. 

"S-so, um..." Miles clears his throat and I look at him questioningly. 

"Do you remember a few weeks ago, when they told us we weren't allowed to go to school anymore so that we could do more around the house?" He signs and I nod. 

"Do you want to ask if we are to go to school or stay home to take care of the house?" I nod again. He takes a deep breath and prepares to ask his question, meanwhile, Alessandro looks at us with a raised brow. 

"We were just wondering, are we going  to school, or are we to stay home to take care of the chores?" Miles asks.

"You will be going to school, hence the whole 'get good grades' rule. Why would you think you were to stay home and clean?" His jaw clenches as he thinks about how to phrase his next question. 

"How did they treat you? The people who took you?" He asks gently. I tense at the question and put a smile on my face. 

"They were good to us. Treated us as their own. They were a gay couple, and they just wanted children. I believe that's why they took us." The lies come smoothly off of Miles's tongue. 

If anyone knew Miles properly, they would see the way his eyes flicker, from the forced joy he put into his face. They would also see the way his leg subtly moves up and down. But Alessandro doesn't notice. He just nods with a small smile directed at me. 

"Alright, you two are free to go. If you need anything, you can come to one of us." He watches us walk out. Once the door closes, we both sigh, and our tense shoulders relax. Miles takes me back to our room. 

He locks the door once it is shut and we lay down in the bed. He has his arms wrapped around me and my head lies on his chest. I try to sleep, but I just lay there staring at the ceiling for hours. Even as Miles's breathing evens out after just minutes of laying in bed. I gently remove myself from where I am laying in his arms. I go over to the desk to continue my drawing of the girl. After a few hours, I finally finish it. I sigh and lean back in the chair, looking up.

I realize I am thirsty so I quietly open the door and go down to the kitchen. I grab a bottle out of the fridge, not realizing someone else is in the room with me until a hand grabs my wrist and I gasp, flinching away from the person. My eyes meet Blade's glare. I mask the fear in my eyes and look blankly at him. I don't see his hand move but suddenly my cheek burns. My eyes widen in shock. I knew they would hurt me here. I just didn't know when. I accidentally let out a small whimper.

"Oh stop faking! I'm sick of your drama!" He shouts at me. 

"Y'know, we made a mistake taking you in. We should have just left you to the orphanage." He shoves me into the counter and my back hits the sharp edge, making me wince in pain. Blade just smirks and walks toward me. I drag myself back against the wall and curl into a ball with a small scream. Suddenly I hear a bunch of people coming down the stairs, but Blade doesn't notice. Instead, he wraps his hand around my wrist and drags me to the sink. 

"Open up."

He turns the water as hot as it gets and places my head underneath. It burns my face and I begin to sob, choking on the water as I inhale. Blade gets torn off me and I am wrapped into Miles's embrace. He wipes my tears away and sits down on the floor with me. 

"Shh, princess. I'm here. I won't let him hurt you anymore." He says softly. I look up and see Luciano holding Blade against the wall. Alessandro and Alessio stand near me watching their brothers. 

"She's our sister Blade! What in the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with me is that you let that little fake bitch into our house! Suddenly she's all perfect and does no wrong! SHE HAS BEEN FAKING WHO SHE IS SINCE SHE GOT HERE! AND YOU ARE JUST LETTING HER GET AWAY WITH IT! YOU TRUST HER, SOMEONE YOU HARDLY KNOW, OVER SOMEONE YOU'VE KNOWN YOUR WHOLE LIFE! SHE IS NOTHING YET YOU TREAT HER LIKE SHE IS EVERYTHING!" Blade shouts at the top of his lungs. He scoffs. 

"She doesn't even speak and you trust her. Someone who doesn't speak isn't someone you can trust, Luciano."

At this point, Miles stands. 

"Blade... I know you don't think we're to be trusted, but there are things about us that none of you know, things we aren't comfortable sharing. So, yes, we do fake who we are sometimes, but it's not for the reasons you believe. There is a reason she is mute. It's partly by choice, but it's more something else." He says softly. I stand by him and grab his hand. 

"I am so sorry for this. I might tell you more one day, but not now" Miles translates what I said and we go back to our room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Blade looking at us in confusion.

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