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A/N~ I'm debating on if I should make Blade a better brother soon, wait until it's a big situation, or just let him continue to be a total jerk... Let me know in the comments which you prefer. TW~ Mentions abuse, rape, and throwing up meals. If you don't want to see specifics, skip the Italics. If you don't know what that means, Italics are the slightly slanted letters. Like this. 


It feels as if there is yet another crack in my heart. I look down at Fia. 

"Hey Panda?" I say. She looks up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Yes, mommy?" She asks. 

"Would you go up to our room and play? Nix will show you the way and play with you." I say softly. She nods. 

"Don't get hurt, mommy. If he even tries, call for Nix, she'll come help." She says in a mature voice. I nod and Phoenix leads her from the room. I look up at Blade once they are gone. 

"You'll never change, will you?" I say, my voice breaking at the end. His face hardens. 

"You are nothing more than a spoiled brat. Why would I change for you?" 

"Spoiled? I was abused for all of my life. I've never known a moment's peace. I've been stuck in a cycle of pain since I can remember. I've been far from spoiled." Tears begin to drip down my face as Miles and Milo stand up behind me. 

"How can we know? You've barely said anything but the basics of what happened to you, you never shared a real memory. You could've bribed the doctors into saying they found scars. You've never shown them to us. We've seen Miles's scars. Not your's. You probably just did the whole self-harm thing for attention." He snarls. Miles opens his mouth but I cut him off. 

"This is my fight Miles, let me fight it." Blade scoffs. 

"You could never fight anything on your own. You're just a pathetic excuse of a human being that relies on everyone else to do everything for them."

"Right... Because when Sir raped me, I was telling Miles to take it for me. When they came home drunk, and Miles was asleep, I didn't go downstairs to take the beatings from them before they came to him. When all of their friends were over, I didn't let them all hurt me to stop them from hurting him. Every time I've gone without sleep, I didn't let Miles stay sleeping... Because that's what I would do right? I certainly can't handle anything on my own." I say sarcastically as more tears fall.

"You said I've never shared a true memory with you? Well here's one. I was six the last time I took the food Miles offered me. They took me down to the basement..." I begin as my mind takes me back to that spot.

I sit in the corner quietly as Miles walks over with his plate of food. 

"Here, you eat half." He whispers. I nod at him with a quiet, 

"Thanks."  He nods. Once I finish the food, Sir and his friend walk in with rage clearly shown on their faces. 

"What did I tell you about eating?" Sir demands, slapping me across the face. I just let out a quiet whimper. He drags me by the hair into the bathroom. 

"Throw it up." He demands. I force myself to empty my stomach of the food I'd consumed. 

When it is finally all gone, he drags me out of the bathroom by my arm. We walk by Miles who looks at me with guilt. When he begins to stand, Sir drops me. 

"If you so much as try to interfere, she will die. It will be your fault." He snarls with his gun pointed at my head. Miles immediately backs up. 

"I'm so so sorry." He whispers to me. I give him a small reassuring smile as Sir grabs my hair again and tosses me down the basement stairs. I tumble down them, hitting my head multiple times. I groan once I finally come to a stop. 

Sir and his friend stare at me tauntingly from across the room. 

"I-I'm sorry." I whimper. Sir shakes his head. 

"If you were sorry, you would've stopped the first time. You keep doing it. You will be truly sorry when we are done though." He smirks. I begin to shake in fear. What are they going to do to me? I soon find out when they walk up to me and begin beating me. When I can no longer move they stop. I thought they were done, but I was wrong. Sir chains me to the wall and grabs the spiked belt. He lifts it high and brings it down harder than he ever has. 

He continues doing that for at least an hour. Next he grabs a knife from the table near by. He walks slowly back to me. Once he gets behind me he kneels down. He carefully moves my hair from the back of my neck. He carves a word into the back of my neck. Then he begins to carve more words all over my body. Slut, worthless, stupid, waste of space, pathetic, broken, naive, whore, unwanted, etc. I would never be allowed to forget the words they use to describe me. One word stood out more than the rest. 

The one on my neck. Damaged. It would forever be the one I would focus on. They would never let me forget what I am. Once Sir finishes his carving, they begin to do more things to me. Things that I won't share with anyone. Things that I will forever keep secret. Things I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. 

I pull myself from the memory and find myself on the verge of a panic attack. 

"You said you never seen my scars. How about I show them to you." I lift my hair from my neck and show Blade the word engraved there. 

"You want more proof?! Fine!" I remove my shirt and show them all the scars of my torso and my back. Scars from being cut, whipped, burnt, and stabbed. 

"I have internal scars too. Mental scars. Scars in places that you can't imagine. Now please... Just leave me alone about it. I haven't lied about anything other than being ok." I sob out. I fall to the floor hugging my knees as I break down for the first time since we gotten here. 

Milo and Miles kneel beside me as Blade storms from the room. 

"It's ok, princess. We are safe." Miles whispers. 

"No. If we were safe I wouldn't keep getting hurt." I cry out. 

"Darling, I'm sorry these things keep happening to you. Before I left, Blade was never like this. He was supportive, caring, loving, and helpful. When I was bullied, he taught me how to fight. I don't know what's happened to him." Milo says softly. 

"I'm tired." I say emotionlessly after a while. The boys lead me to our room where I fall into a nightmare filled slumber.

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