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I sit on my hospital bed, waiting for any of my family members to show up. Most of them had work while Blade, Milo and Miles had school. I was supposed to go today as well, but I'm currently stuck in the hospital. Every time any of the boys are here they start whispering in Italian. They'll sneak glances at me with excitement in their eyes. I know they are planning something, I'm just unsure what it is. Soon enough there is a knock on the door. I checked the time. 4:15. 

"Come in!" I call excitedly. All of my brothers and Phoenix walk in.

"Bambina, we have a surprise for you!" Alessio says. I tilt my head for him to continue, but he walks out of the room. Soon enough he comes back with two people. They are an older couple, in their fifties. They kind of look like the boys. Actually, the man looks like an older version of Alessandro. 

"Hello bambina. I am Salvatore Rossi, this is Sofia Rossi. We are your parents." The man says with love in his eyes. I lower my gaze and give a small smile. 

My parents are real... What if they hurt me? I don't want to go through being hurt again. My smile falters. My father kneels down by me. He's really tall, like all of the boys. 

"I haven't heard what happened to you while you were away, but I do know it was bad. I promise I will protect you from now on. I should have been there when you really needed me, and I'm sorry I wasn't." He says softly. I look into his eyes, and get the urge to hug him. So I do. 

"Hello dad." I say quietly. He wraps his arms around me gently. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that from my baby." He says, his voice full of happiness. I hear Blade scoff from where he is in the corner of the room. Our father stands and looks at him. 

"Is there a problem Blade?" He questions. 

"Yeah. You've just met her and you're already gushing over her! She has a child, she's fifteen, we've only met her three weeks ago, I don't trust her, she's secretive, and she barely speaks. Yet she has all of you wrapped around her finger!" He begins to yell. I flinch and curl into a small ball. 

"There she goes again. Acting scared for attention. None of you see it, but I do. It's all an act. Those bruises she has were more than likely deserved. She was probably a very disobedient child." 

I look at Blade as tears fall down my cheeks. 

"Don't cry, you little bitch. You can drop the act. I know you are just a gold digger, trying to find a way to get whatever you want." He snarls. I just look at my lap. 

"I'm not a gold digger, bitch, slut, or anything you've called me. I'm honestly a very simple girl. I want love. I want family. I want to be treated right. If I could just get those things I would be very happy. I don't want trouble." I say quietly. Blade just scoffs.

"You don't want trouble yet now that you are here trouble keeps occurring. You had me believing, for a bit, that you were just a troubled kid, but things just keep happening. How do I know you aren't the mastermind behind it all?" He asks in a really rude tone. 

"What do you mean? I didn't bring any of this!" I say. 

"QUIT SPOUTING BULLSHIT! IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS HOSPITAL!" He shouts. I flinch but a knock on the door catches my attention. 

"We have an issue." A bodyguard states as he walks in. We all look at him curiously. 

"Fia is gone. The Russians took her."

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