Chapter 91 - Becoming a God

Start from the beginning

A dreadful shriek erupted from Kotake as her very flesh started melting off her bones. She tore at the air as she tried to emit small puffs of flame or shards of ice to ram it through the body of her king. Presently, her arms slumped to her sides as her clothes swallowed her whole. Reddish pink goo slithered out of the openings of her fabrics, slowly spreading into a disgustingly sticky mess.

Everyone backed up from the lethal figure, still bellowing with laughter from the death of the old hag. It seemed to dance wickedly as it clapped its hands. "That felt remarkable!" It gleefully crowed. Spinning swiftly, it locked eyes on Zelda once more. "You should thank me. I am about to put an end to your silly struggle with Demise. There have been far too many attempts to claim the Triforce which has brought nothing but hardship for me. I've lost count how many times I had to restore the balance. Well, no more! With the Triforce of Power in my grasp, I will make sure there is nothing left to fight over!"

With a high pitched, raging snicker, Majora raised his hands to the ceiling. With an earth shattering crack, the entire ground shifted beneath their feet. Everyone fell to their knees as the entire roof of the temple exploded outward. Chunks of marble and alabaster hurtled through the air, some pieces landing as far south as the remnants of Lon Lon Ranch. Several of them screamed as the remaining portions of the roof collapsed around them.

The sky was wide open with blistering winds swelling the falling snow, smacking the small pieces of hail into their faces. Looking above, the entire earth trembled as the rising moon slowly began to rotate. Majora continued to raise its arms high as it laughed maniacally. Malon and Giana screamed with fright when they saw the horrible visage upon the moon. A horrific pair of red eyes glowered down upon them all, with a huge macabre smile revealing rotted teeth.

"!" Link moaned as he stared in disbelief at the spectatcle above them. "It's happening all over again!"

Zelda began crying, "I'm so sorry Link! I thought I was doing the right thing! I thought I had made the right decision!"

Lowering its head to regard Zelda one last time, Majora purred, "When there is nothing left of this world, then there will be nothing left to fight over. Balance shall be restored!" With a hoot, Ganondorf's body rose into the air and soared off southwards.

With the immediate danger passed, Nabooru walked up to Link, placing a palm on his shoulder nearly causing him to jump with surprise. "Link, we need to go. There is nothing left for us here."

Navi gonged out a warning. Link pushed Nabooru aside as he jerked his head back. A small dagger sailed through the air where their heads had been. He twisted around to block the incoming blow from Naar. Bringing his sword down, he swatted Naar's to the side. The general quickly followed it up by apparating a small dagger and thrusting it forward towards Link's belly. Shifting his weight, Link altered his shield to that of short spear and stabbing downwards into Naar's arm, knocking him off balance.

"It's just as well!" Naar cursed as he lay on the tile, rabidly trying to remove the spear pierced through his forearm. "May Majora burn all you Hylians to dust!"

With a wrathful cry, Link sliced Naar's head off, watching it roll a few feet before settling onto its cheek. "Then you will die too! Do you not even care?"

Ripping the spear free, Naar's body tossed it at Link who sidestepped it easily. It began to crawl over to its head to reattach. Naar spat venomously, "My life ended the moment my family was murdered!" His pupils glared at Zelda nearby, "Your grandfather ordered the execution of all Nevachrean nobility and government before he isolated us. They tied me to a post! They raped and burned my family in front of me! My wife! My little girl! May you all rot in Din's Forge and Ballos claim your souls!"

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