Chapter 87 - The Fog of War

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"So what is this one for?" Apolloni asked, lifting the mask up to have it catch the soft dwindling rays of the late evening sun peeking below the clouds. Zelda looked over at the mask she was holding. She quickly made a grab for it but was denied as Apolloni shifted it out of her reach. She glared at Zelda, "I asked, what is it for? I remember the other mask we received from Glaun'rung, but not this one."

Zelda exclaimed affronted, "You can't just go through my pack like that! Those are mine!"

Apolloni smirked, "Last I checked, Link was carrying these around. Why did he suddenly give them to you? Surely he had some reason for leaving them in your care and separating you from him during our meeting in Kakariko?" Her gaze was intense.

Zelda sighed. She looked over at Ganondorf who sat nearby staring into the fire. His silence to the whole conversation indicated his consent of Apolloni's question. She was going to get no help from him. Zelda began reluctantly, "He called it Majora. He used to tell me fantastical stories of traveling to an alternate dimension called Termina where that mask was the cause of a near apocalypse of that world."

Apolloni looked at mask in awe, she could hear the whispers lulling her to slip the mask on and claim her rightful place as a god. "So why shouldn't we use it and blaze our way straight to the Temple of Time? Why did he bother keeping this around so long without even attempting to use it? If it has the power to destroy worlds, wouldn't that be in our favor if we have control?" A gleam in her eyes danced across her pupils, the mask was getting uncomfortably close to her face.

"According to Link, you wouldn't have control. It controls you for its own ends. The last person who had that mask on nearly lost their soul." Zelda warned ominously. As much as she found it hard to believe Link's story, she had to admit that the mask gave her an unsettling feeling.

At the mention of its vile powers, Apolloni quickly regained her senses and set the mask back down onto Zelda's pack quickly. "So...did he tell you what he wanted done with it?" She probed.

"No. He just told me to keep it safe." Zelda lied.

Ganondorf looked over at her. A searching look brought her eyes down. She wondered if he suspected there was more to her story than she had revealed. He raised his head in preparation to say something when a huge explosion redirected his attention. They all looked off at the Nevachrean camp and saw a brilliant display of colors flashing vividly throughout the sky, even in the failing light of day, it was still impressive.

"What is that?" Merin asked wearily, she had not slept well that night.

Zelda nodded silently to herself before speaking to the others. "It's time to go. That was the signal we agreed upon if Link was able to secure the sapphire."

Ganondorf rose up promptly, "Then we shouldn't waste time. We must meet him at the drawbridge leading across the moat. We will press forward into the town together from there."

Zelda cocked her head, "Why can't we just go straight to the temple and dispel the aura there and wait?" Seeing that Apolloni's attention was diverted, she quickly snatched the mask back before stuffing it into the pack and drawing the string tight. The Gerudo scowled at her but made no comment.

He shook his head sternly, "I told you. There is a danger lurking within the city walls that I would rather have more men on our side to combat. With more targets for them to attack, it might give us a better chance at survival." Zelda trembled at the Gerudo king's callous disregard for Huma life. Did he only want more bodies just to be used as bait for the threat residing beyond those walls?

"What kind of danger?" She asked, before being assisted back up onto Appa. She was to sit in front of him, which made her feel horribly uncomfortable with his arms reaching around her to grab the stallion's reins.

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