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Warning? Umm... a lot little bit more detailed than how the other couples got together because they are Mc?


"... seriously?" letting down a sweat drop as she sips her juice, Vanessa lightly leans back her chair. "I know you tend to get into fights and almost killed someone for bullying Sunshine, but geez... are you a sadist all this time?"

"I'm not a sadist, Vanessa." Taking a sip of his coffee and giving the girl an unamused look, Zachary raises a brow. "Not sure how you came to that conclusion, but that time I was pissed at these assholes for picking on Sunny, that's all there is to it."

"You literally just admitted to enjoying flustering Rence. And now I feel bad!" pointing over accusingly with Sol just quietly drinking on the side, not really understanding what the others are saying and really doesn't want to, Vanessa signs lightly. "Do you even plan on explaining why the hell you did that for?"


"What do you 'maybe'?!" letting out an exasperating sign, Vanessa stands up before bonking the boy on the head repeatedly, much to Zachary's irritation. "Go. Tell. Him. Idiot! I have seen how confused he still is this morning!"

"He is?"

"You- Oh my gosh...." Shaking her head before giving the blond one last bonk on the head, Vanessa pops herself back into her spot before resting her head in her arms. "You... are impossible. Listen, I can tell you for sure that he is confused as hell, alright? I know how... strong his trust issues are, especially when it comes to himself. Judging by what you told me, there is no way he understands what is going on in your head. Heck, I don't even know, and you just explained it to me!"

"Fine... I'll tell him properly."



"Oh my gosh...."

"Am I... interrupting something?" Sliding the dining hall's door open before deciding to go back out, Terrence moves back to close the door before it gets pulled open by a frustrated Vanessa. "No, not at all. Come in."

"Alright then...." Walking in with Tyron physically attached to his back like a koala for no reason, really, Terrence grabs himself a drink before peeking at the three, letting on a small smile and nodding lightly in greetings. "Morning."

"Morning, Terry!" Waving over and finishing her cookie happily, Sol stands up before handing the boy two tickets from the table. "Mr. William gave it to us this morning! They said to go if we want! It starts in a few hours!"

"I see. Thank you, Sunshine." Taking the tickets and putting them away in his pocket, Terrence looks back at the koala clinging to him before ignoring the parasite as a whole and going on to finish his coffee.

"Is... Ty alright?" Asking lightly as she pokes the parasite on the cheeks, Vanessa quickly takes her hand back as Tyron is about to bite her and sweat drops lightly. "Are they really tired or just clingy?"

"Probably a mix of both." Answering bored and gulping down the drink himself, Terrence slightly adjusts himself to not get dragged onto the ground before staring down at Vanessa with a small shrug. "They are like a cat. Always two moods. Either they are trying to kill everyone for fun or want to take a long nap and never wake up. Apparently, no one is dying today."

"That's... good?"

"To some extent."

"We should get going, it takes a while to get here, and we don't want to be late, now do we?" standing up and putting his cup away on the tray, Zachary smiles over at the three, with one clearly unable to see it. Rolling his eyes lightly despite the amused smile, Zachary shakes his head lightly before looking right at Terrence, who quickly looks off to the side. "Hey, Rence? You might want to leave your twin behind for this, don't you think?"

Family? Found!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora